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1 水产品保鲜加工流通现状与问题发展水产品保鲜加工流通是促进渔业产业化(现代化)建设,实现渔业增效、渔民增收的重要途径。随着人民群众生活的质量提高和改善,我市水产品保鲜加工流通也蓬勃开展起来了。据初步统计,2000年全市水产品保鲜加工6480吨,占总产量21.4%;保鲜加工水产品产值4536万元,占总产值15%;保鲜加工水产品附加值2492万元,原料生产基地复盖养殖面积32400亩(主要是混养)。保鲜加工原料品种主要是鲮鱼、鳙鱼、罗非鱼、蚬、蚌、螺等;加工成品鳙鱼头、鲮鱼肉丸、罗非鱼片、蚬肉、蚌肉、螺肉,生盆熟食等十几二十个品种;除供应本地的酒楼食肆和居民之外,象三江镇岗尾村张国秋日 1 fresh aquatic products processing and circulation of the status quo and development of fresh aquatic products processing and distribution of circulation is to promote the industrialization of fisheries (modernization), to achieve fishery efficiency, fishermen an important way to increase income. With the improvement of the quality of people’s life and improvement, the circulation and preservation of aquatic products in our city are flourishing. According to preliminary statistics, in 2000, the city’s aquatic products processing and fresh-keeping processing 6,480 tons, accounting for 21.4% of the total output; preservation and processing of aquatic products output value of 45.36 million yuan, accounting for 15% of the total output value; fresh and processed aquatic products added value of 24.92 million yuan, raw material production base Aquaculture area of ​​32,400 mu (mainly polyculture). Main raw material varieties of fresh-keeping and processing raw materials include bighead carp, bighead carp, tilapia, pomfret, mussel, snail and so on; processing finished tuna, pomfret meatball, tilapia fillet, pomfret, clam meat, Cooked food more than a dozen varieties; In addition to the supply of local restaurants and restaurants, like Sanjiang Town Kongwei Village Zhang autumn day
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