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纵观近年来高考的历史试卷,我们可以清晰地看到材料型试题的比重呈逐年上升的趋势(材料被更多地引入选择题和问答题中)。这是因为材料题能较好地考查学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,体现学史致用的根本目标。历史学科《考试说明》中就明确要求考生具备“对材料进行去粗取精、去? Looking at the history papers of college entrance examinations in recent years, we can clearly see that the proportion of material examination questions has been increasing year by year (materials have been more frequently introduced in multiple-choice questions and essay questions). This is because the material question can better examine the students’ ability to analyze problems and solve problems and reflect the fundamental goal of applying history. In the “Examination Notes” of the history discipline, it is clearly required that the candidates have the ability to “rough out” the material and go.
主要探讨DF4型内燃机车柴油机大油封渗油与使用过程质量的关系,并通过对不同的负载方法、观点进行综合分析、论述。 This paper mainly discusses the relationship between
倒装是中学英语不可缺少的语言点之一,也是高考考查的 neither…nor,hardly…w hen…,scarcely…w hen…,not…until重要内容。以下就此做总结。 …等需
2008年4月18日,经铁道部批准,铁道部工程管理中心正式向中国铁路物资总公司颁发了铁路建设项目部管物资代理公司中标通知书。 On April 18, 2008, with the approval of the
1.day,date 这两个单词都与“天”有关。day用来表示“日子”、“天”,是“某一天”的意思,也含有“节日”、“假日”、“生日”的意思。例如: He works eight hours a day.
在水产养殖中,提高配合饲料利用率是提高养鱼经济效益的重要措施。提高鱼用配合饲料利用率可采取以下6种措施。 In aquaculture, improving the utilization of compound fee
1 目的本试验旨在通过利用有益微生物种群改善池塘养殖水体的环境质量,平衡池塘养殖水体中的微生物与浮游单胞藻类,促进养殖鱼类生长,降低发病率,提高养殖产量和效益,并在群