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皇帝的新衣许多年前,两个裁缝来到了都城觐见国王,他们自称能够织出全世界最美丽的衣服,但是愚蠢的人看不见它。国王明明看不见衣服,却也只能硬着头皮说:“果然漂亮、果然漂亮啊选”两个裁缝说:“殿下果然英明。”第二天,在游行大典上,国王高兴地作了一个决定:“我要把这件衣服,给全国的所有姑娘每人来一套选”水漫金山白素贞布阵施法,大水从天而降。瞬间,金山寺中已是水势汹涌,眼看就要往四周村庄淹去。千钧一发之际,法海禅师以身上袈裟化作长堤,硬生生拦住 Emperor’s New Clothes Many years ago, two tailors came to the capital to visit the kings, claiming to be able to weave the most beautiful clothes in the world, but stupid people could not see it. King obviously could not see the clothes, but only bite the bullet and said: “The beautiful, really beautiful ah election ” The two tailors said: “The Highness was wise. ” The next day, the parade ceremony, the king happy Made a decision: “I want to put this dress, to all the girls in the country to a set of election ” Shuimu Jinshan Pak Su-Ching array magic, water from heaven. Moment, Jinshan Temple is the water potential turbulent, seeing the village will be flooded to the surrounding. When the close of the moment, Master Fa Hai transformed into a long embankment, abruptly stopped
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目的总结攀枝花市中西医结合医院首次诊断为慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)患者的临床特点。方法将2009年1月至2014年8月,攀枝花市中西医结合医院肾内科首次确诊的