北京时间8月5日晚11时40分,百度正式在美国纳斯达克股票交易市场挂牌上市,发行价27美元,开盘价是66美元,然后一路狂飙。到交易首日收盘时,百度股价定格为122.54美元,市值达到39.58亿美元,股价涨幅达到了疯狂的353.85%! 按照当天股价计算,百度公司创始人与CEO李彦宏的身价已超过9亿美元,铁定入围今年中国内地百富榜前10名。中国概念股奇迹在3小时内缔造——百度是美国最近五年表现最为强劲的新股,甚至成为美国历史中上市当日收益最多的十大股票之一。
Beijing time at 11:40 on the evening of August 5, Baidu officially listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange in the United States, the issue price of 27 US dollars, the opening price is 66 US dollars, and then hurricane. At the close of trading on the first day of trading, Baidu’s share price is still at $ 122.54 with a market capitalization of $ 3.958 billion and the stock price has risen to a crazy 353.85%. According to the stock price calculated on the same day, Baidu’s founder and CEO Li Yanhong has a value of more than 900 million U.S. dollars. Finalists in the top 10 list of the Chinese mainland this year. China Miracle of Wonders Created within 3 Hours - Baidu is the most powerful new unit in the United States in the past five years and has even become one of the top 10 stocks with the most returns in the U.S. history.