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东北地区语文教学法第二次学术讨论会于八月二十二日至二十六日在大连召开,来自东北地区及兄弟省市的高等师范院校语文教学法教师、教育学院及教研室的教研员、中学语文教师近百人围绕两个中心议题展开了热烈讨论。一、关于中学语文教学法的内容体系问题。概括起来主要有五种:七论三法的体系;语文教学概论的体系;总论分论的体系;教材教法的体系;文章原理与教学设计的体系。大家认为,这些体系 The Second Symposium on Chinese Teaching in Northeast China was held in Dalian from August 22 to August 26, teaching and learning of teachers of Chinese pedagogy, educational institutes and teaching and research institutes in higher normal schools in Northeast China and other provinces and cities in northeast China Nearly 100 Chinese teachers and secondary school teachers held heated discussions on two central issues. First, on the middle school language teaching method of the content system. To sum up, there are mainly five kinds: the system of seven theories and three laws; the system of the general introduction to Chinese teaching; the system of the general theory of the division; the system of the teaching material and the method of teaching; the principle of the article and the system of instructional design. Everyone thinks that these systems
介绍了近年来在固相微萃取、毛细管气相色谱、毛细管电色谱领域出现的一种新型固定相———纤维状固定相。论述了纤维状固定相的类型、特点及应用(引用文献20篇)。 In recen
2008321 Prospective comparison of ultrasonography, helical computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and endoscopic ultrasonography in assessing locoreg
英国 Corus最近将斯托克顿厂有 50年历史的燃油加热炉更换为 Cooperheat公司生产的燃气炉。这座加热炉是与生产 2 1 35mm直径钢管设备相配套的。新的加热炉有 3m高、6.5m宽、
目的:观察鼻咽癌(NPC)骨转移的特点;与CT对比,分析颅底骨转移病灶检测的敏感性。方法:151例 NPC SPECT~(99m)Tc-MDP全身骨显像,其中 66例作头颅正侧位骨显像及CT 扫描。结果:
摘取糖尿病史额骨标本16例27耳(男11例,女5例,年龄42~80岁,平均63.2岁),无糖尿病史颞骨标本16例23耳(男13例,女3例,年龄41~86岁,平均60.1岁)。标本行10%福尔马林液固定,5%三氯乙酸或EPTA脱钙、脱水,然后包埋、切片,分 Sixteen patien
《中德临床肿瘤学杂志》(英文)是中国与德国施普林格出版社合作出版的国际性学术刊物。为了实现国际化,方便全球作者投稿及加快稿件处理速度 Sino-German Journal of Clinic