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作为首次上高三的历史教师,不仅在专业上还是在心理上都有很多的压力。本人经历了2005年高考的挑战之后,感受颇多,以下是在亲身实践中获得的体会:一、扎实,有效地备好、上好每一节课自从进入高三年级组,常常让我感到有压力的是,能不能把明天的课保质保量的上好?每天晚上我都要问自己同样的问题。在短暂的复习时间内,我所要做的是如何引导学生把五本历史课本中的零散,纷乱的内容用最好的方式整理出来,使它形成一个完整的知识体系,同时还要尽可能添加一些与复习内容相关的趣味性的知识,以避免学生在复习过程中很可能产生的枯燥、厌倦情绪。众多的压力迫使我不敢怠慢,在课余时间,翻阅了很多有关历史教学方面的杂志、刊物,了解新的史学研究动态,以便使自己保持新的教学理念,仔细研读考试大纲和考试说明、使自己少走一些弯路。并处理好考试大纲、考试说明、教学课本三者之间的关系,使自己心中有一盘棋。做了近三年的高考试题,揣摸出题思路和规律,使自己的教学能力、水平上一个新台阶。在讲解某一个问题时,从多角度,多层次的去准备,做到一题多问多解。只有这样才能胸有成竹地站在讲台上,面对每一个求知的面孔。实践证明,只有高质量的上好每一节课,我们的自信就会增加一点,离成功的距离就近一些。 As a teacher of history for the first time on the third year of high school, there is a lot of pressure not only in the profession but also in the psychology. I experienced the challenges of the 2005 college entrance examination after a lot of feelings, the following is learned in hands-on experience: First, a solid and effective preparation, good Each class since entering the third year of high school, often make me feel there The pressure is that tomorrow can class quality and quantity of good? Every night I have to ask myself the same question. What I am going to do in a brief review period is to guide students to organize the fragmented and chaotic content of the five historical textbooks in the best way to form a complete knowledge system and to add as much as possible Some interesting knowledge about the content of the review to avoid the boring, tired emotions students are likely to produce during the review process. Numerous pressures forced me not to neglect, in spare time, read a lot of history teaching magazines, publications, to understand the new history of research developments in order to maintain their own new teaching philosophy, careful examination of the examination syllabus and exam description so that Take less detours yourself. And handle the relationship between the syllabus, test description, teaching textbook, so that there is a game of chess in mind. Do nearly three years of the college entrance examination exam questions, think of the problem-solving ideas and laws, so that their ability to teach, the level of a new level. In explaining a certain issue, from a multi-angle, multi-level to prepare for a multi-pronged approach. Only in this way can you stand on the podium with confidence and face every face you seek. Practice has proved that only high quality good every lesson, our self-confidence will increase a bit, the distance from the success of the nearest.
练习课有别于新授课与复习课,它在学生已学习了新知的基础上,通过操作、变式、对比、诊断等方法进行一定量的巩固练习,加深了对知识的理解,渗透了数学思想方法,培养了学生解决问题的能力。在数学课堂上,如何避免让学生进行题海战术和简单机械地重复练习,让练习课练出“新”意,成为新授课的有效助力,从而激发学生的练习兴趣,使我们的练习课变得生动与深刻,是值得每位教师深入思考的问题。  一、兴趣先导,激起练习的热情
中国文坛自 1990年下半年起 ,散文随笔突然走俏 ,并持续升温 ,至今不衰。从文学生命角度看 ,这是文学整体面对新的时代形势的一种自我调整。十年发展 ,形成三个突出特征 ,即
采用荧光定量 PCR 方法观察45例慢性丙型肝炎(简称慢丙肝)治疗前后血清 HCV RNA 含量变化,探讨治疗前血清 HCVRNA 水平等因素对干扰素治疗应答的影响。材料与方法一、对象 4