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品牌竞争、战略竞争是企业竞争的最高层次,与成本及价格竞争,性价比竞争,模式竞争相比,品牌竞争对企业要求更高,竞争的内涵与外延也更广泛。我国的房地产业从1978年改革开放,已经发展了20多个年头,在经历了地段、规划和概念等几个竞争阶段后,开始进入品牌竞争阶段。但由于发展时间较短,许多开发企业还没有意识到品牌战略的重要性。只有一些大地产商已经在有意识地进行品牌创建。深圳是中国地产品牌的摇篮。作为改革开放的先驱者,深圳培育了一大批在国内地产市场的知名品牌,如万科、中海外、金地、恒安、招商、华侨城、建设控股等。随着市场化进程的深入,上海、北京、广州也出现一些品牌企业,如上海的中远、绿地;北京的华远、中房、广州的富力、合生等。“如果说品牌,我觉得只有万科一家还算做得不错。其他企业,比如像中 Brand competition and strategic competition are the highest level of competition among enterprises. Compared with cost and price competition, cost performance competition and mode competition, brand competition demands higher level of enterprises and the connotation and extension of competition are more extensive. Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China’s real estate industry has been developing for more than 20 years. After going through several stages of competition, such as lots, planning and concepts, the real estate industry has entered the stage of brand competition. However, due to the short development period, many development companies are still not aware of the importance of brand strategy. Only some big developers have been consciously brand building. Shenzhen is the cradle of China’s real estate brand. As a pioneer of reform and opening up, Shenzhen fostered a large number of well-known brands in China’s real estate market such as Vanke, China Overseas Landmark, Golden Land, Heng An, Merchants, Overseas Chinese Town and Construction Holdings. With the deepening of the marketization process, some brand enterprises have emerged in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, such as COSCO and Greenbelt in Shanghai, Huayuan, Zhongfang in Beijing, R & F in Guangzhou, and Hesheng. ”If you say the brand, I think only Vanke a fairly well done.Other businesses, such as like
什么是收费权质押贷款? 收费权质押是指债务人或者第三人以其合法拥有的收费权作为质押标的物,向债权人提供的一种权利质押担保方式。近年来,以公路收费权、农村电费收费权、城
【摘 要】大学英语教学同其他科目的教学一样,大部分时间都是教师讲,学生边听边作笔记。如果学生的听力基础差,对教师的授课内容便不知所云。这种情形导致学生无法清楚完整的吸收英语知识,教师也达不到预期的教学目的。这样的被动局面从相当程度上阻碍了师生之间的知识交流,因此,培养和提高学生听力技能是解决问题的重要前提。  【关键词】大学英语;听力训练;精听;泛听;阅读;朗读  人类通过语言进行社会交际和社会活