In June, the fiery sky fiery mood. On this day, the first “4 + 1” flight students of the Air Force bid farewell to the training of elementary education machine and will soon turn to higher education machine flight. They will be the first Airmen bachelor-degree flight students to be known as eagles with two pairs of “wings.” They accepted the training mode of “4 + 1”, that is, after a three-and-a-half-year training in aerospace education through political, military, cultural, sports and professional theories, Flight training, after passing the examinations, is appointed as a retired officer, awarded a rank of Air Force lieutenant and a bachelor of engineering. Later, they will enter the flight training of high educational aircraft, after a period of one-year training to achieve the training objectives, will be awarded a bachelor’s degree in military science. Into a flight Jinan Jidai a college, I saw this group will have two pairs of “wings” Kitty ... ...