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时尚界的大部分品牌都以设计师的名字命名,Anya Hindmarch也不例外。从某种程度来讲,Anya Hindmarch堪称手袋设计界的天才“儿童”, 她十九岁时便无师自通地开始设计手袋,并且广受欢迎,而她的“招术”其实很简单,就是把各种艺术照片Copy到手袋上去,辅以各种鲜明色彩便是一款经典而时尚的设计品了。另外她发起的一个名为“Be A Bag”的慈善活动也是相当流行,就是利用明星,名人们捐出的照片制成Anya Hindmarch手袋,再进行拍卖,此项活动已经在纽约、洛杉矶、日本,香港等地举办过,所到之处广受欢迎,其中香港的活动更推出了王菲、张曼玉、郑秀文的纪念款式。Anya Hindmarch曾在2001年获得了“英国杰出配饰设计师”荣誉,她的设计怀旧色彩较浓,尤其适合冬季。 Most of the fashion brands are named after the designers, Anya Hindmarch is no exception. To a certain extent, Anya Hindmarch is a genius “child” in the handbag design industry. At 19, she started to design handbags without any assistance from teachers and was very popular. Her “trick” is actually very simple , Is to copy a variety of art photos onto the handbag, supplemented by a variety of bright colors is a classic and stylish design of the product. In addition, she launched a charity called “Be A Bag” is quite popular, is the use of celebrities donated photos made Anya Hindmarch handbags, and then the auction, the event has been in New York, Los Angeles, Japan, Hong Kong and other places have been held, wherever he goes popular, including activities in Hong Kong launched the Faye Wong, Maggie Cheung, Sammi Cheng commemorative style. Anya Hindmarch won the “Outstanding Accessories Designers in England” honor in 2001, her design is nostalgic in color, especially for winter.
编者的话: 从前两期起,我们就请来了香港的新人女歌手谷祖琳(Jo)小姐为大家解答有关健美、皮肤护理及美容方面的问题。一向对健美有浓厚兴趣的Jo,对健康、美容有着深入的研究
心宽必定体胖?不,激情快乐、充满活力的人生更有助身材苗条。瘦身不是苦恼事,一起来看看以下的快乐瘦身法吧。 Heart must be fat? No, passionate, energetic life is more
透视与透明不同,透视是部分地露、断断续续地露、隐隐绰绰地露、欲盖弥彰地露、貌似天真地露和费尽机巧地露。 Different perspectives and transparency, perspective is p
生活美容虽无痛苦,却不能像上手术台这样让人笑得彻底,再说疼一阵子,美一辈子…… Although the painless life beauty, but not as on the operating table so people laug
前段时间,我收到了好朋友克敏的E-mail。她一个人在美国读书,是个非常坚强的女孩。但我第一次在她的信里看到了眼泪。她说,当她一个人被痛经折磨得翻来覆去的时候,再坚强的心,都忍不住颤抖了。“那一刻,真想回家。想妈妈捂在自己肚子上的热水袋。想一碗红糖姜水。”  克敏是学医的,她怎么对自己的痛经束手无策?  于是,我到处找医生咨询,又搜集了很多资料。才发现,原来很多女人都正在经历或曾经经历这样一种无法
Objective.:This retrospective review was undertaken to evaluate survival in patients with T1 squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva treated with radical local exc