为科学、合理地利用外松资源,增加林木中间环节的增值,提高森林资源的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。严防只顾眼前利益,乱采滥割,破坏森林资源,经多年来的生产实践及参考马尾松采脂文献,提出湿地松采脂要点如下。 1 采脂林木的林分分类、起割径阶和高度 1.1 Ⅰ类采脂林分指1—2年需砍伐的林分或间伐林分中的问伐木。起割径阶,高度不限。
To scientifically and reasonably utilize the external resources, increase the added value of forest intermediate links and improve the economic, social and ecological benefits of forest resources. Take precautions against immediate interests, indiscriminate exploitation, destruction of forest resources, after many years of production practice and reference Masson pine resin literatures, proposed pine Phyllostachys major points are as follows. 1 Forest classification of the tree, starting from the cut-off diameter and height 1.1 Ⅰ type of forest refers to the deciduous forest 1-2 years or inter-deciduous forest in the logging. Starting cut diameter, height is not limited.