
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzy_shun
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玉米施肥的增产效果取决于土壤肥力水平、施肥时期与方法、肥料配比、玉米吸收利用能力、气候状况及农业措施等。因此,不同条件下施肥增产效果存在差异。通过测产结果表明:氮肥效应试验中氮施用12 kg/亩(P2O55 kg/亩,K2O 6 kg/亩)效果最好;磷肥施用2 kg/亩(N 12 kg/亩,K2O 6 kg/亩)效果最好;钾肥施用6 kg/亩和8 kg/亩(N 12 kg/亩,P2O55 kg/亩)、从节省肥料上来看4 kg/亩效果最好。 The yield-increasing effect of corn fertilization depends on the level of soil fertility, the period and method of fertilization, the ratio of fertilizers, the ability of maize to absorb and utilize, the climatic conditions and agricultural measures. Therefore, there are differences in fertilization and yield enhancement under different conditions. The results of the test showed that nitrogen application efficiency was the best at 12 kg / mu (P2O55 kg / mu, K2O 6 kg / mu) in the nitrogen application experiment. The application of 2 kg / mu (N 12 kg / mu, K2O 6 kg / ) Was the best; potassium fertilizer 6 kg / mu and 8 kg / mu (N 12 kg / mu, P2O55 kg / mu), the best 4 kg / mu from fertilizer point of view.
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