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随着新课程的实施,我们的教材发生了很大的变化。例如人教版新编语文教材,尤其是七年级语文教材加大了诗歌的含量,七年级上册教材不仅编选了大量的古诗,而且还编选了许多的现代诗歌。在许多的课后还配备了相关同类的诗歌,由此可见,诗歌在整个新教材编排体系中的地位和作用是很突出的。所以新课程之下的诗歌教学应该怎样开展,则是我们作为语文教师应该思索、探究的。诗歌教学属于文学教学,自有其不同于非文学作品教学的一些规律和特点;而诗歌又有其不同于其他文学样式的特殊性,因此,诗歌教学也就有别于其他文体的教学。中国是诗的国度,不仅有着数量繁多的诗歌作品,而且有着丰厚深邃的诗歌创作理论和欣赏理论。古典诗歌中有山川田园的自然美,有英雄志士的人格美,有凡间儿女平淡真实的生活美,有天上仙界超凡脱俗的想象美,有雄浑粗犷的阳刚美,有隽永含蓄的阴柔美,也有动静 With the implementation of the new curriculum, our teaching materials have undergone great changes. For example, the PEP teaching material, especially the seventh grade Chinese teaching materials, has increased the content of poetry. The seventh grade textbook not only compiled a large number of ancient poems but also compiled many modern poems. After many classes are also equipped with the same kind of poetry, we can see that the status and role of poetry in the new textbook choreography system is very prominent. Therefore, under the new curriculum should be how to carry out the teaching of poetry, we as Chinese teachers should think and explore. Poetry teaching belongs to the teaching of literature, which is different from some laws and characteristics of teaching of non-literary works. However, poetry has its own uniqueness from other literary styles. Therefore, poetry teaching is different from teaching of other styles. China is a country of poetry, not only has a large number of poetry, but also has a profound and profound poetic creation theory and appreciation theory. Classical poetry has the natural beauty of mountains and rivers pastoral, heroic personality beauty of the United States, there is a fair ordinary life of ordinary children beauty, heaven and earth celebrity world beyond the imaginative beauty of the United States, there is a masculine rugged beauty, meaningful and subtle feminine beauty, there are movement
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