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  The zoo has big basket for rubbish. People can throw 1.____
  waste into them. On that Saturday afternoon there
  are usually a lot of people around the cages which
  the lovely animals are kept, and last Saturday nobody was 4.____
  there. Mr. Patties was surprised. But he was even much 5.____
  surprised to see few children around the basket near
  the tiger’s cage. He quickly came up and looked over 7.____
  their heads and saw a little rat run about in the basket 8.____
  and looking for food. The rat was afraid and the children 9.____
  were interested in the rat than in the tigers. 10.____
  It was Sunday yesterday. I went to the town by bus. 1.____
  When the bus arrived a stop, a woman got on the bus with 2.____
  a little boy, who I thought he was her son. Seeing that there 3.____
  was a seat, the boy’s mother sat down, carried the boy on 4.____
  her knees. Minutes late the bus came to the next stop and 5.____
  a young woman got on, with a baby in her arms. On the 6.____
  sight of this, the boy and the mother stood up immediately, 7.____
  and kindly give up their seat to the young woman.While the 8.____
  young woman with her baby sat down there, the boy stood 9.____
  beside her mother with a smile on his face. But I felt ashamed. 10.____
  If someone asks you how you can make you always 1.____
  happy, you will perhaps find rather difficult to give him 2.____
  a proper answer. Did you remember the old saying “No 3.____
  human being can really happy who is not giving or trying 4.____
  to give happiness to other ”? If you will always think of 5.____
  taking more from others and give them less, you won’t be 6.____
  able to have happiness in your life even you are very rich. 7.____
  Here’s an article for you. If each of you follow it, there 8.____
  will be an end to many unhappy days of yours. So you should 9.____
  learn to give up your own interests when necessarily to do so.10.____
  When my father bought me a computer as a birthday gift for 1.____
  me in last year, I felt very exited. As we all know, computers 2.____
  are getting more and more usefully now . Much information can 3.____
  be stored in them. We can also learn that has lately happened 4.____
  in the word on the internet. In the past, people had to do lots of 5.____
  work which was very dangerous. Now, but, computers can do it 6.____
  instead. When an exam is coming, I often did some exercises 7.____
  on my computer. Then it will correct it and tell me the right 8.____
  answers. In this way it is very convenient for me to prepare 9.____
  the exam than before. The computer has become my real friend. 10.____
  1. basket→baskets。用可数名词复数表示类别。
  2. 去掉 that。此处表示泛指。
  3. which前加in或者which 改为where。关系副词在定语从句中作状语,修饰 are kept。
  4. and→but。
  5. much→more。even修饰比较级,此处even more surprised意为“更加惊讶”。
  6. few前加a或few改为many。从下文看,在垃圾箱周围站着一些孩子,所以此处表示肯定意义。
  7. came→went。
  8. run→running。用现在分词作saw的宾语补足语,表示当时的情景“小老鼠正跑来跑去”。
  9. √10. 在interested前加more构成比较级。
  1. 去掉the。go to town 为固定词组。
  2. arrive后加at或arrived→reached。
  3.去掉he。这里I thought是插入语,who was her son是定语从句,修饰前面的a little boy。
  4. carried→carrying。构成伴随状语。
  5. late→later。表示几分钟后。
  6. On→At。at (the) sight of 为固定短语,意为“一看见”。
  7. √ 8. give→gave。此处gave与前面的stood up构成并列谓语。
  9. 去掉down。sat there 表示“坐在那儿”。
  10. her→his。前后人称一致。
  1. you→yourself。make yourself happy“使自己高兴”,习惯用法。
  2. find后加it。it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式短语。
  3. Did→Do。用一般现在时表示“经常”。
  4. really后加be。形容词在英语中不能作谓语,can really be happy构成谓语。
  5. 去掉will。
  6. give→giving。与taking 并列作介词of的宾语。
  7. even后加though。even though为从属连词,意为“即使,纵然”,引导让步状语从句。
  8. follow→follows。
  9. √10. necessarily→necessary。完整形式应为when (it is) necessary to do so。
  2. 去掉in。惯用法。
  3. usefully→useful。get后用形容词作表语。
  4. that→what。what引导宾语从句且在从句中用作主语,而that不能充当宾语从句的主语。
  5. √6. but→however。however 是副词,并用逗号与其它词隔开,而but为连词,连接并列句。
  7. did→do。前后时态照应。
  8. and前的it改为them。代指前面的exercises。
  9. very→more。more convenient…than before构成比较结构。
  10. the前加for。prepare for the exam意为“为考试做准备”。
The study of things mentioned and described in The Book of Songs constitutes an important part in both ancient and modern scholars’research on the classic.Rema
中国武装力量由人民解放军、人民武装警察部队、民兵组成,在国家安全和发展战略全局中具有重要地位和作用,肩负着维护国家主权、安全、发展利益的光荣使命和神圣职责。  陆军主要担负陆地作战任务,包括机动作战部队、边海防部队、警卫警备部队等。按照机动作战、立体攻防的战略要求,陆军积极推进由区域防卫型向全域机动型转变,加快发展陆军航空兵、轻型机械化部队和特种作战部队,加强数字化部队建设,逐步实现部队编成的小型
每年冬春季,各地冻裂拖拉机水箱的事故都有发生.从历年冻裂事故的事例来看,大都是由于粗心大意造成的. Every winter and spring, there are accidents of cracking the tra