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教学细节稍纵即逝,要靠教师去捕捉。它犹如课堂的精灵,倏忽而至,稍纵即逝,让人始料不及。这就需要教师做个有心人,及时捕捉,小心把握。本板块呈现的案例有一个共同点,就是当“意外”出现时,教师没有置之不理,也没有简单化处理,将答案直接告诉学生,而是以此为契机,巧妙引导,将教学活动引向深入:或让学生再次读书,在读中寻找答案,加深感悟;或动手操作,在探究中解决问题;或组织讨论,在思维碰撞中修正和丰富认识……教学因意外而精彩,因真实而成为不可替代的一段师生生命发展的“历程”。这,看起来是一种教育机智,它的背后,其实是教师先进的教育观念在支撑。教学细节藏得很深,要靠教师去发掘。细节犹如竹笋,每“剥”一层,就有一段“鲜活”呈现出来。教师若能一层一层“剥”下去,课堂就会精彩不断。能“剥”到什么程度,全看教师的功力。本板块中,教师在细节的处理上都没有浅尝辄止,或巧妙转折,于“惯常”处拓开一片新天地;或深度发掘,引发“认知冲突”,在讨论中步步深入;或将细节做大,由单纯的“知识教学”提升到“三维目标”的整合,收到了“四两拨千斤”的效果。睁大发现的眼睛,捕捉每一个有价值的细节,深入发掘细节中蕴藏的教育资源,我们的教学就会因之而充满生命的律动,课堂就会因之而精彩纷呈。 Teaching details fleeting, rely on teachers to capture. It is like a class wizard, overnight, fleeting, people unexpected. This requires teachers to be considerate, timely capture, be careful. The case of this section has one thing in common is that when the “accident” appears, the teacher did not ignore, there is no simplistic treatment, the answer directly to the students, but as an opportunity to cleverly guide the teaching activities in-depth : Or allow students to study again, look for answers in reading, deepen understanding, or hands-on operation, to solve the problem in the study, or organize discussions, amendments and enrichment in thinking collision ... ... teaching because of unexpected and wonderful, because of the real and can not An alternative period of development of teachers and students “course.” This, it seems, is an educational tactic behind it, in fact, teachers advanced educational concepts in support. The teaching details are hidden deep, rely on teachers to explore. Details like bamboo shoots, each “peel” a layer, there is a “fresh” is presented. If teachers can “strip” one by one, the classroom will be wonderful. To “peel” to what extent, all look at the teacher’s skill. In this section, teachers did not try their best to deal with the details, or made a clever transition to open up a new world at the “habitual” place; or to deeply explore and trigger “cognitive conflicts” and make further discussions during the discussion; or to make details Large, from a simple “knowledge teaching” to the “three-dimensional goal of” integration, received a “big and small call” effect. Keep your eyes open, capture every valuable detail, dig deeper into the details of the educational resources, our teaching will be full of life rhythm, the classroom will be so brilliant.
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