
来源 :中国心理卫生杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzi7890
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目的 :探讨女性青少年性罪错高危因素。方法 :采用加利福尼亚调查表 (CPI)、症状自评量表 (SCL -90 )、生活事件调查表 (LES)、社会支持量表等测查工具 ,对 13 0名有性罪错行为的女青年及 3 3名无性罪错打工女性青年进行测查并对照分析。结果 :研究组在人格独立性、责任心、自我控制、社会化以及心理感受性等个性量表的得分明显低于对照组 ,但在人格类型构成比上两组差异不显著。研究组SCL -90总分高于对照组 ,除恐怖外各因子分均较对照组明显偏高。SCL -90总分与生活事件总分呈显著正相关。在社会支持方面研究组的主观支持和社会支持的利用度计分明显低于对照组。结论 :性罪错女性青少年在人格特征上存在明显偏离 ,多以本能需要作为行为的动机 ,情绪易冲动 ,自控力差。同时她们普遍存在强迫、偏执、抑郁和敌对等较多的心理问题 Objective: To explore the risk factors of sexual misconduct in adolescent girls. Methods: A total of 130 female youths with sexual crimes and wrongdoings were investigated using survey tools such as the California Questionnaire (CPI), Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90), Life Events Questionnaire (LES) and Social Support Scale 3 3 women with sexless and wrongly-employed workers were investigated and analyzed. Results: The personality scores of personality scale, personality responsibility, self-control, socialization and psychological sensitivity were significantly lower in the research group than those in the control group. However, there was no significant difference in personality type between the two groups. The total score of SCL-90 in the study group was higher than that of the control group, except for the factors of the hormones were significantly higher than the control group. There was a significant positive correlation between SCL-90 score and total score of life events. In terms of social support, subjective support and social support were significantly lower in the research group than in the control group. Conclusion: Sexual misconduct female adolescents have obvious deviations in their personality traits, and their instinctive needs are mostly motivated by their behaviors. Emotions are easily impulsive and self-control is poor. At the same time, they generally have more psychological problems such as compulsion, paranoia, depression and hostility
Honorable Chairman and distinguished friends: Good evening. The opening of this Pacific Health Summit is of historical significance as the topic of the Summit i
我经常将川端康成和卡夫卡的名字放在一起,并不是他们应该在一起,而是出于我个人的习惯。我难以忘记一九八零年冬天最初读到《伊豆的歌女》时的情景,当时我二十岁,我是在浙江宁波靠近雨江的一间昏暗的公寓里与川端康成相遇。  五年之后,也是在冬天,也是在水边,在浙江海盐一间临河的屋子里,我读到了卡夫卡。谢天谢地,我没有同时读到他们。当时我年轻无知,如果文学风格的对抗过于激烈,会使我的阅读不知所措和难以忍受。在