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近期感染结核菌发生结核病的危险是长期存在感染者的10倍左右1。(文献报道)。因此,用PPD监测方法筛查高暴露人群中近期感染结核菌的高危人群,并采取预防性治疗是降低发病率,避免造成学校结核病流行的有效手段和方法。为了解学生结核病感染情况,本文对吉林市2000~2004年五年来吉林市大中专学生,分两组肺结核病监测进行观察分析。目的:评估结核病防治规划实施,在吉林市大中专院校落实情况、并分析在实际工作中的优势和不足。结果显示;中专学生组强阳性率15.70%,感染率40.49%,发病率85.36/10万。大学生强阳性率22.49%,感染率65.08%,发病率151.29/10万。三项指标均处于较高水平。特别是大学组明显高于中专组。经显著性测验P<0.01,均有非常显著性差异,分析其原因与地区因素,环境因素,免疫水平及落实防治规划不到位,学校控制措施不得力有关。措施:①在高校大中专中学生中采取因症就诊与强阳性学生相结合方式,来控制结核爆发与流行;②建立学校有效的监测系统,将学校监测工作纳入国家卫生预防保健体系。利用最简便可行,快捷,最有效的PPD监测方法,进行学校肺结核病流行病学监测工作,确保学生的身体健康。 The risk of tuberculosis being recently infected with tuberculosis is about 10 times longer than that of people living with HIV. (Reported in the literature). Therefore, the PPD monitoring method for screening high-risk groups in recent exposure of high-risk TB populations and preventive treatment is to reduce the incidence and avoid school tuberculosis epidemic of effective means and methods. In order to understand the TB infection of students, this paper observed and analyzed the monitoring of tuberculosis in two groups in Jilin City from 2000 to 2004. Objective: To evaluate the implementation of tuberculosis prevention and control planning, implement the situation in colleges and universities in Jilin City, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages in practical work. The results showed that the strong positive rate of secondary school students was 15.70%, the infection rate was 40.49%, the incidence rate was 85.36 / 100000. The positive rate of college students was 22.49%, the infection rate was 65.08%, the incidence rate was 151.29 / 100000. Three indicators are at a high level. In particular, the university group was significantly higher than the secondary school group. The significance test P <0.01, there is a very significant difference, analysis of the reasons and regional factors, environmental factors, immune levels and the implementation of prevention and control planning is not in place, the school control measures are not effective. Measures: ①In the colleges and secondary technical secondary school students taking symptomatic treatment and strong positive students combined to control tuberculosis outbreak and epidemic; ②Establishment of an effective monitoring system in schools, the school monitoring into the national health preventive health system. Make use of the most convenient, feasible and efficient PPD monitoring method to monitor the epidemiology of tuberculosis in schools so as to ensure the health of students.
摘 要: 随着我国市场经济的建立,医疗行业也在探索适合我国国情的发展之路,各医疗单位在适应市场经济过程中不断发展,但在发展中一些经营管理问题也暴露出来。为此,建立科学、客观的评价体系并对医疗单位进行评价分析,以对其客观评价并分析其中存在的问题及成因已成为必须。  关键词:   医疗单位;财政;效益    近几年来,随着我国市场经济的建立,医疗行业也在探索适合我国国情的发展之路,各医疗单位在适应市场
目的 观察鼻塞持续气道正压通气(NCPAP)下仰、俯卧位对早产儿通气效果的影响.方法 对26例NOPAP早产儿呼吸衰竭患儿分别交替采用仰卧位或俯卧位,每种体位行动脉血气分析测定.
目的 探讨预防糖尿病足的自护方法.方法 在糖尿病者及高危人群中,宣传相关知识提高本病的认知水平,学习自我防护的基本方法.