The 50 Chinese adult bone sella and its surrounding bony structure were observed. The results showed that 6 patients in the anterior cotyledon and mid-coticular pedicles accounted for 6% of 100 patients. The saddle tubercle and the optic nerve crossing were significantly and slightly prominent in 38 cases (76%) in 50 cases. The saddle back is of different shapes, but its upper half is inclined forward. The cotyledon and the anterior cot healing and proximal healing were 3% in 3 cases. The anteroposterior diameter, width and depth of the measurement sella were 1.16±0.13, 0.99±0.16 and 1.29±0.15 cm, respectively. The bottom wall of the 30 cases of the pituitary fossa of the skull was 0.4-0.9 mm in thickness with an average thickness of 0.6±0.01 mm. These data provide a morphological basis for the clinical diagnosis of sellar lesions.