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   1.[误] Bill was chosen as a representative to attend the meeting made him excited.
   [正]That Bill was chosen as a represen-tative to attend the meeting made him excited.
  [解析] that引导名词性从句时,不作任何成分,没有任何实际意义,只起连接词的作用,但在主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中不能省略。
  2. [误] The problem is if we can receive enough support from the local government.
  [正] The problem is whether we can receive enough support from the local government.
  [解析] if和whether引导宾语从句时,绝大多数情况都可以互换,但是在引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句时,只能用whether,不能用if。
  3. [误] I wonder how he is getting along well with his new novel.
  [正] I wonder how he is getting along with his new novel.
  [正] I wonder if/ whether he is getting along well with his new novel.
  [解析] get on/ along well with意为“进展得顺利”。如果用how来引导宾语从句,则去掉well,否则意思重复,既然well就不必再问how了。如果要保留well,则必须用if或者whether来引导宾语从句。此句句意为:我想知道他的新小说进展得如何。
  4. [误] All the books are here. You may choose whatever you like.
  [正] All the books are here. You may choose whichever you like.
  [解析] whatever意为“无论什么”,相当于anything that,通常用在没有限定范围的情况下;而whichever意为“无论哪一个”,相当于“any + 名词(限定性的名词) + that”,通常用在有限定范围的情况下。此句相当于All the books are here. You may choose any book(而不是anything)that you like。
  5. [误] It is known to us all is that
  America is made up of fifty states.
  [正] What is known to us all is that America is made up of fifty states.
  [正] It is known to us all that America is made up of fifty states.
  [解析] 如果把it改为what,此句中what
  6. [误] I made a suggestion at the meet-ing that the problem must be solved at once.
  [正] I made a suggestion at the meeting that the problem should be solved at once.
  [解析] 表示“建议、命令、请求”的名词如果有同位语从句修饰,从句通常用虚拟语气,从句中的动词形式用should + 动词原形或省略should。
  7. [误] I really know nothing about if the book written by Mr. White has come out.
  [正] I really know nothing about whether the book written by Mr. White has come out.
   [解析] if和whether引导动词宾语从句时,通常可以互换,但在介词后的宾语从句中,只能用whether,不能用if。
   8. [误] These beautiful pictures will show you what does our campus look like.
  [正] These beautiful pictures will show you what our campus looks like.
   [解析] 在宾语从句中,通常用陈述语序,不用疑问语序。
   9. [误] There is no doubt whether he will succeed in doing the experiment.
   [正] There is no doubt that he will succe-ed in doing the experiment.
  [解析] 此句为同位语从句,doubt意为“怀疑,疑惑”,一般来说,如果doubt是肯定形式,一般要用if或whether来引导从句,如果doubt是否定形式,一般要用that来引导从句。
   10. [误] The man would rather do all what he could to send his son to study aboard.
   [正] The man would rather do what he could to send his son to study aboard.
   [正] The man would rather do all (that)
  he could to send his son to study aboard.
   [解析] all与what不能连用,如果去掉all,从句则变成了由what引导的宾语从句;如果把what去掉或者把what改为that,从句则变成了由that引导的定语从句。
   11. [误] The reason why he didn’t attend the party is because his mother was seriously ill.
   [正] The reason why he didn’t attend the party is that his mother was seriously ill.
   [解析] 此题考查“the reason why…is that
   12. [误] You are saying that all the work must be finished in two days, and this is what I disagree.
   [正] You are saying that all the work
  mustbe finished in two days, and this is where I disagree.
  [解析] 系动词is后为表语从句,动词disagree为不及物动词,根据句意可知表语从句中缺少地点状语,故用where来引导。
  1. Word came_________the PLA man sacrified his life to save the little girl who is in danger.
  A. thatB. whatC. whenD. /
  2. The child is always lying, so none of us will believe _________he says.
  A. whateverB. whichever
  C. no matter whatD. how
  3. _________ was known to us all that the boss had broken his promise_________he would give us a rise.
  A. As; whichB. What; that
  C. It; thatD. It; which
  4. She said nothing and nobody knew _________.
  A. what is the matter with herB. what the matter is with her
  C. what was the matter with herD. what the matter was with her
  5. _________Linda can pass the exam is _________her teacher is worrying about now.
  A. What; whatB. Whether; what
  C. If; thatD. What; what
  6. The question he asked was _________ the furniture should be placed.
  A. whatB. which
  C. whereD. that
  7. I don’t doubt _________he will attend tomorrow’s dancing party.
  A. whetherB. whenC. ifD. that
  8. Last week we made a trip to _________was once a battlefield.
  A. whereB. what
  C. whichD. when
  9. One advantage of holding Olympic Games is_________ it can prosper the development of the local economy.
  A. thatB. howC. whyD. when
   10. He order that the murderer_________sentenced to death.
  A. would beB. must beC. be D. could be
随着我国经济的日益发展,合伙企业在经济活动中越来越活跃,其对于经济发展的贡献也越来越大,然而我国相关的法律制度却存在一定的缺陷,需要不断地改进和完善。 With the con