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众所周知,在激光打印机和彩色喷墨打印机结束针打时代的趋势下,单色激光打印机曾以其优秀的黑白打印质量、快捷的输出速度以及对纸张的低要求而迅速成为商务办公的首选输出设备。而彩色喷墨打印机也曾凭借低廉的整机价格及彩色输出而受到家庭和中小型办公用户的青睐。但由于普通激光打印机及喷墨打印机仍存在着一些难以克服的缺点而难以进入高档办公打印市场,而摒弃了单色激光打印机缺少色彩和彩喷打印质量依赖纸张两项缺点的彩色激光打印机,一跃成为了近期打印机市场最引人瞩目的亮点。近日,北京北大方正电子有限公司在隆重推出了最新产品——文杰 C8000、C9000高档彩色激光打印机,这两款新产品是方 As we all know, laser printers and color inkjet printer end of the era of pinning trend, monochrome laser printer with its excellent black and white print quality, fast output speed and low demand for paper and quickly became the business office’s preferred output device . Color inkjet printers have also been favored by families and small and medium-sized office users thanks to their low overall price and color output. However, as conventional laser printers and inkjet printers still have some insurmountable shortcomings and difficult to enter the high-end office printing market, while the monochrome laser printer to abandon the lack of color and color ink jet printing quality depends on two shortcomings of the color laser printer, a Yue has become the most eye-catching highlights of the recent printer market. Recently, Beijing Peking University Founder Electronics Co., Ltd. grand launch of the latest products - Wen Jie C8000, C9000 high-end color laser printers, these two new products are side
LCD显示器酷酷薄薄的样子,你一定很惊讶怎么又笨又重的显示器可以变得这么薄、这精巧。 当然,LCD和传统CRT映像管显示器的原理大不相同。这里提供你一些LCD液晶显示器的小常
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1 Introduction Solid polymer electrolytes have attracted considerable interest because of their potential application in secondary high energy density lithium b