1925年,我在家乡参加革命活动时,就知道周恩来这个响亮的名字。1930年后,我有幸长期在周恩来的直接领导教诲下工作成长。周恩来是我的征途引路人。 1930年,我在红十四军,在一次战斗中左手腕被打断,我被送到上海治伤。伤愈后,在我的请求下,周恩来同志改变了原来要我留在上海做地下工作的决定,同意我从上海到苏区去当红军。这成为我以后在漫长的革命道路上能够从事军队工作的一个关键。
In 1925, when I took part in revolutionary activities in my hometown, I knew Zhou Enlai’s resounding name. After 1930, I was fortunate enough to grow and work under the direct leadership of Zhou Enlai. Zhou Enlai is my journey lead passer. In 1930, I was in the Red Army and I was interrupted by a broken wrist in a battle. I was sent to Shanghai to be wounded. After the injury, at my request, Comrade Chou En-lai changed his original decision of leaving me to work underground in Shanghai and agreed that I should go to the Red Army from Shanghai to the Soviet Union. This is the key to my ability to work in the military over the long course of the revolution.