企业动力不足 政府应要主导RFID应用

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RFID(无线射频识别技术,国内多称电子标签)被列为能够改变未来世界的重要技术之一决非偶然。作为快速、实时、准确采集与处理信息的高新技术和信息标准化的基础,RFID已经被世界公认为本世纪10大重要技术之一。信息产业部信息化推进司司长陈伟指出:RFID为我们勾勒出了非常巨大的想象空间和发展前景,通过RFID和一些微型传感器,将把我们的世界带向无所不在,无处不在的信息网络环境之中。未来,基于RFID技术,我们挑选商品,只需要手机扫描,就可查到详细生产、加工、质量等数据,结账时会自动打印商品信息;我们进入银行将不再需要繁琐的手续,就可轻松办理各项业务,并得到细致、周到的关怀;制造企业可以实时检测产品生产质量,查看库存情况;物流企业可以对货物进行实时追踪……目前,国外有很多政府(美国、日本、韩国等)和大型企业(沃尔玛、联邦快递、福特等)已经开始应用RFID技术,国内也已经有部分政府、企业用户开始享受RFID所带来的便利。但是,让很多政府、企业信息化主管和业内人士担忧的是,RFID面临的标准问题、投资回报问题和市场环境问题还有待进一步解决:在标准方面,国内还存在很大争议,一派主张采用EPC这样的国际标准,另一派主张要采用有自主知识产权的标准NPC,矛盾尤其集中在商品编码和射频频段两个焦点上,至今未有定论;成本问题或投资回报率问题涉及两个方面:一是芯片的价格,二是系统的基础设施建设成本,虽然近几年芯片价格和基础设施建设成本都有所下降,但是还没有达到能够让大多数用户接受的“心理底线”;市场环境方面则主要是需求不足。 It is no accident that RFID (radio frequency identification technology, domestically known as electronic tags) is listed as one of the important technologies that can change the world of the future. As the basis for rapid, real-time, accurate acquisition and processing of information, and the standardization of information, RFID has been recognized by the world as one of the 10 most important technologies of this century. Chen Wei, Director of the Department of Informatization Promotion of the Ministry of Information Industry, pointed out that RFID has outlined a very large imagination space and development prospects for us. Through RFID and some micro sensors, we will bring our world to the ubiquitous and ubiquitous information network. In the environment. In the future, based on RFID technology, we will select products and only need mobile phone scanning, we can find detailed production, processing, quality and other data. When we check out, we will automatically print product information; we will no longer need tedious procedures to enter the bank, and we can easily Handle various businesses and receive meticulous and considerate care; manufacturing companies can check production quality in real time and check inventory; logistics companies can track goods in real time... At present, there are many foreign governments (US, Japan, South Korea, etc.) And large-scale enterprises (Wal-Mart, FedEx, Ford, etc.) have begun to use RFID technology, and some domestic governments and enterprise users have begun to enjoy the convenience of RFID. However, many government and enterprise information managers and industry insiders are worried that the standard issues, investment returns, and market environment problems faced by RFID still need to be further addressed: There is still a lot of controversy in terms of standards, and one advocates the use of EPC. With regard to such international standards, the other party advocates the adoption of standard NPCs with independent intellectual property rights. The contradiction is particularly focused on the two focuses of commodity coding and RF frequency bands. There has been no conclusive argument so far; the issue of cost or return on investment involves two aspects: It is the price of the chip, and the second is the cost of the infrastructure construction of the system. Although chip prices and infrastructure construction costs have declined in recent years, it has not reached the “psychological bottom line” that most users can accept; the market environment is The main problem is insufficient demand.
“金玉满堂”常常被人们写成金灿灿的春联贴在堂屋后墙上,或者把这四个大字特制成金匾悬于屋中显要位置。渴望金玉堆满屋子是许多人的梦想,本来无可厚非,但人们好像故意断章取义,故意不说老子后面的话了,真是枉费了老子的心意。  老子完整的话是“金玉满堂,莫之能守;富贵而骄,自遗其咎。”老子告诫世人金玉乃珍贵之物,人人趋之若鹜,谁拥有了,必将引起他人争夺,最终甚至惹来杀身之祸;若是不幸富贵了,千万不能骄傲放纵
经过了基础建设和完善的阶段之后,列车电视日益凸现的市场价值已经得到了众多广告主的认可和关注,全新突破性的广告营销方式,为客户带来新的独特的营销元素。 After the inf