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“寓兵于民”、“劳武结合”的特点,决定了民兵、预备役人员在构建和谐社会中责任重大,优势独特,大有作为。省军区系统一定要按照“民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处”的和谐要求,找准位置,发挥优势,作出应有的贡献。要着眼为构建和谐社会提供坚强的力量保障,在履行根本职能中发挥战斗队作用。创造和平稳定、和谐安定的社会环境,对构建社会主义和谐社会至关重要。然而,当前影响和平稳定环境的因素仍然不少,特别是越来越猖獗的“台独”势力已成为台海和平稳定的最大现实威胁。国防后备力量作为我国“三结合”武装力量的重要组成部分,履行新使命就要紧紧扭住军事斗争准备这个龙头,在履行根本职能上发挥战斗队作用。要围绕“为什么要准备打仗、 The characteristics of “integrating soldiers in the people and combining armed forces with armed forces of the two nations” have determined that the militia and reserve personnel have a great responsibility and unique advantages in building a harmonious society. The provincial military region system must follow the harmonious requirements of “democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice, good faith and fraternity, vitality, stability and order and harmonious coexistence between man and nature”, identify the location, give play to its advantages and make due contributions. We should focus on providing a strong guarantee for the construction of a harmonious society and play a role as a combat team in fulfilling its fundamental functions. Creating a social environment of peace, stability, harmony and stability is crucial to building a harmonious socialist society. However, the current factors that affect the environment for peace and stability are still quite a few. In particular, the increasingly rampant “Taiwan’s independence” forces have become the biggest real threat to the peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. As an important part of the “three combined” armed forces of our country, the reserve forces of national defense must firmly grasp the leading position in the preparations for military struggle and fulfill their fundamental functions to play the role of a combat team. To focus on "Why prepare for war,
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如果千年虫没有发作,就不会有新闻,如果千年虫发作了,新闻也拿不回来。 1999年12月31日,这个千年最后一天。5个月大的儿子反常地很早醒来,仿佛知道我马上就要运行。儿子在我