8月14日当晚,随着首次现身HWB的270度超宽屏环绕的震撼舞台营造出了奇幻数码空间,一场备受瞩目、星光熠熠的时尚美容界盛典——屈臣氏健康美丽大赏(Watsons Health,Wellness and Beauty Awards,以下简称HWB),一如既往地保持着时尚美容界奥斯卡的风向标地位,上演美丽的巅峰对决,呈现出非同凡响的视听效果。
On the night of August 14th, with the shocking stage of the ultra-widescreen 270 degree first appeared in the HWB, a spectacular and star-studded fashion beauty fair, the Watsons Beauty Awards, Health, Wellness and Beauty Awards, hereinafter referred to as HWB), as always, to maintain the fashion beauty Oscars weathervane position, staged a beautiful peak showdown, showing a remarkable audio-visual effects.