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《中国人民银行法》等一系列金融法规的颁布实施,是我国金融法制建设的一大飞跃。随着经济金融形势的发展,金融司法实践遇到了许多新问题新任务,迫切需要设立新的司法审判机构金融法院,以保护金融业的稳健运行,促进经济的发展。其理由如下: 首先,在“两法”中就有“法律责任”的专章,《人民银行法》第七章41—50条、《商业银行法》第八章73—86条,都是有关法律责任的规定,除人行法41、42两条由公安机关处罚外,其余均有由中国人民银行处罚的规定。这些规定中,既有涉及到银行内部职 The promulgation and implementation of a series of financial laws and regulations such as the Law of the People’s Bank of China is a great leap forward in the construction of China’s financial legal system. With the development of economic and financial situation, many new problems and tasks have been encountered in the practice of financial and judicial practice. There is an urgent need to set up a new court of justice for judicial institutions so as to protect the sound operation of the financial industry and promote economic development. The reasons are as follows: First of all, in the “two laws”, there is a special chapter on “legal liability”; Chapter 41-50 of Chapter 7 of the “People’s Bank of China Law” and Chapter 73-86 of Chapter 8 of the “Law on Commercial Banks” The relevant provisions on legal liability shall be punishable by the People’s Bank of China in addition to the two penalties imposed by the public security organs in addition to the pedestrian acts 41 and 42. These provisions, both related to the internal bank jobs
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为了研究异种组织修复鼓膜穿孔的病理变化,我们用新生儿的脐带动脉扩张片修复豚鼠鼓膜外伤性穿孔。手术干10倍手术显微镜下进行。全麻后,将豚鼠右侧鼓膜造成直径约2毫 In o
中国水电夹江有限公司制作的金沙江向家坝水电站泄洪坝段4000 kN/1250 kN坝顶双向门机的门架(含大车行走机构)整体立拼、主小车总成、副小车总成及电控设备顺利通过了由中国
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由中水珠江设计公司副总经理李星召带领的考察团一行6人于2007年10月21-24日前往湖南、湖北两省考察航电 A delegation led by Li Xingzhao, deputy general manager of Zho