调整中求生存 管理上求效益

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乡镇企业在整顿、治理中如何才能摆脱困境、走出低谷,是一个大家都关心的问题。从盐城市伍佑镇的情况看,他们适应形势变化,努力在调整中求生存,在管理上求效益。今年1~4月全镇完成工业产值和利润分别比去年同期增长25.5%和21.5%。他们的主要做法是: 一、把抓好企业干部职工的思想政治工作放在首位,有效地医治“疲软症”。一是稳定发展乡镇企业的思想不能疲软。组织全镇干部群众认真学习十三届五中全会精神,学习江总书记等中央领导同志对发展乡镇企业的一系列指示,统一思想,鼓足士气,进一步坚定发展乡镇企业的信心和决心。二是对 How can the township and village enterprises get rid of the predicament and get out of the trough in the process of rectification and governance? This is a matter that everyone cares about. Judging from the situation in Wuyou Town, Yancheng City, they are adapting to changes in the situation, striving to survive in adjustments and seeking benefits in management. From January to April of this year, the industrial output value and profit of the whole town increased by 25.5% and 21.5% respectively compared with the same period of last year. Their main methods are as follows: First, we must give priority to the ideological and political work of the cadres and employees of enterprises and effectively treat “weakness.” First, the idea of ​​stably developing township enterprises should not be weakened. The cadres and people of the town have been organized to earnestly study the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and to study the series of directives of General Secretary Jiang and other leading comrades on the development of township and township enterprises, unify their thinking and morale, and further strengthen their confidence and determination in the development of township and village enterprises. The second is
传说明太祖朱元璋有一次微服出巡来到一渡口等候渡江时,遇到一群赴京赶考的举子。风尘仆仆的举人们见京城已到,会考在 Legend has it that the Taizu emperor had a subdued
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By the case study on the Urban Agglomeration Plan of Yunnan Central Economic Region (YCER), which is jointly made by Chinese and Swiss scholars, with the adopti