6月17日,墙体材料行业转型升级创新技术交流暨学术研讨现场会在河南洛阳隆重召开,洛阳中冶重工机械有限公司(以下简称“中冶重工”)携手荷兰Air-crete Europe B.V公司(以下简称“艾尔科瑞特”)亮相本次会议,这是自双方2015年1月正式签订战略合作协议以来,首次在全国性行业盛会上同台亮相。随着我国节能绿色和围护结构保温、隔热、防潮、阻燃要求的不断提升,新型墙体材料的发展开始从简
June 17, the wall material industry transformation and upgrading of innovative technology exchange and academic seminar will be held in Luoyang, Henan solemnly held, Luoyang China Metallurgical Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “MCC”) together with the Netherlands Air-crete Europe BV The Company (hereinafter referred to as “AI Kerui Te”) made its debut on this meeting for the first time since the two countries formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement in January 2015, which was held on the same stage in the national industry event. As China’s energy-saving green and envelope insulation, insulation, moisture, fire-retardant requirements continue to improve, the development of new wall materials began simple