Fluid inclusions hidden in coesite-bearing zircons in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from sout

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Primary fluid inclusions, together with coesite mineral inclusions, are identified in the same zircon domains by laser Raman spectroscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) image and micro-texture analysis in paragneiss and eclogite from the main drilling hole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project in southwestern Sulu terrane. Most fluid inclusions are characterized by CO2 (gas)-H2O (liquid) two-phase, a few by H2O one-phase liquid inclusions. These features indicate that the eclogite and its country-rocks may be located in the "wet system" rather than in the "dry system" during UHP metamorphism. SHRIMP U-Pb dating indicates that the timing of trapping the fluid and coesite inclusions in metamorphic zircon domains is about 233.7 ± 4.3 Ma, which may represent the age of zircon growth in the stage of pressure decrease but temperature increase during the retrograde period of UHP metamorphism thus indicating the fluid activity still under the UHP conditions. The zircons further overgrew at about 213.2 ± 5.2 Ma in response to amphibolite-facies retrogression. Therefore, fluid activity in the Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks principally occurred during the exhumation of UHP slab in the Middle to Late Triassic. The present results not only provide insight into the fluid property and fluid-rock interaction mechanism in the Sulu-Dabie UHP terrane, but also present a new means to exactly identify the primary fluid inclusions preserved in zircons from the UHP metamorphic rocks.
摘要: 结合安哥拉公路施工实践,为解决雷蒙磨时产较低影响沥青拌和机生产需求的情况,对雷蒙磨的出粉系统进行设计,并提出一种雷蒙磨与沥青拌和机有效结合的方案,取得良好的效果,为海外项目施工提供经验。  关键词: 雷蒙磨;矿粉添加;沥青拌和;摆式磨粉机;电气联锁  中图分类号:U415.52文献标识码:A文章编号:1671—7597(2011)0110060-01    矿粉是沥青砼生产过程中必不可少的
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