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<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION The 1-vinylsilatrane is a compound with the presence of pentacoordinated silicon. Structural studies of this series of compounds have been reported. In the present
2014年10月12日,2014玛莎拉蒂Trofeo世界锦标赛于10月10日在上海国际赛车场吹响战号,来自世界各地的车手在三天的比赛中精彩角逐。瑞士车手Mauro Calamia凭借第一场和第三场比
<正> In our previous studies, two intermediate compounds, La2O2&#183;2BeO and 3La2O3&#183;2BeO, were identified in the system La2O3-BeO and one compound, Sm2O2.
<正> Experiments have shown that under ultrahigh pressure additives can promote the activity of diamond sintering process. Therefore, in order to study the mech
<正> The principle of inclusion and exclusion is of great significance in dealing with enumeration problems of combinatorial theory. According to this principle
<正> Nonlinear computational instability is an important problem in numerical weather prediction. N. Phillips has first given such unstable examples of computat
<正> In this letter the design and construction of a new multifunctional apparatus for measuring thcrmophysical properties based on quasi-steady technique is re
<正> In recent years, the rare earth complexes M (β-diketone) have become important laser materials and NMR chemical shift reagents. However, only a few complexe
<正> The spectrum of the heavy quarkoniums is recently one of the interesting problems in particle physics. Various methods are used in discussing it, but most
早知道宝马要推出4缸的涡轮增压引擎,不过没想到这么快。2011款宝马X1 28i身上采用了最新的4缸单涡轮双涡流2.0T引擎,与目前代号为N55的3.0L单涡轮双涡流发动机相同的增压和直喷