A soldier husband did this beautiful thing

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoyyop
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  When someone you love is far from you, it’s hard. It’s almost like you hunger for them.
  This is precisely what happened to Zhao Mai, 26-year-old, a teacher in China. Her husband, 27-year-old Yin Yunfeng, is a soldier in the Chinese army and is now stationed in a remote outpost in Tibet(西藏). They only get to see each other once a year.
  During Yin Yunfeng’s last visit, he learned that Zhao Mai was working such long hours that she didn’t have time to cook for herself. She hardly had time for a lunch break, which made his blood boil. Driven by strong love for his wife, Yin Yunfeng made up a plan...
  He spent a week in the kitchen, making 1,000 dumplings. But that wasn’t all. He also stocked their fridge with a ton of homemade stir-fried meals and 40 gallons(加侖)of his wife’s favorite noodle soup. Each meal was separately packaged and stored in their freezer and the freezers of nearby friends and family. All in all, he left his wife with a year’s worth of food so she wouldn’t have to deal with the burden of cooking at all.
  Although Zhao Mai is now considered the “luckiest wife” in China, Yin Yunfeng’s touching gesture didn’t end there.
  The love-struck soldier also hid a number of sweet treats and snacks throughout the house. Each snack is kept together with a love note. He promised to show their locations to his wife during a series of phone calls and letters, to help cheer her up if she was feeling down or lonely.
  “Today you have been studying very hard and I have a reward for you. Behind the sofa on the right there is a gap and I have left you a packet of raisins,” reads one of the messages.
  “Every time I think of this my heart is warm,” said Zhao Mai. “I have to admit his food packages help keep me going and it’s great to know that he loves me. In some way every time I have my meal I know he is with me.”
  Hopefully other men will learn something from his chivalry!
  station v. 驻扎
  stir-fried meal 炒菜
  snack n. 小吃,点心
  reward n. 奖赏,奖励
  raisin n. 葡萄干
  chivalry n. 骑士精神
西藏,是一座日新月异依然空灵如前的桃源。触手可及的澄明云天,随风飘动的经幡,旋动不止的金黄经筒。在这里,时间似乎丧失了力量,它穿越千年,蹉跎着岁月,却改变不了藏人们那亘古不变的虔诚与坚定。  最是碧水青天处  这个被藏人们称作天湖的地方——纳木错。教徒们每每路过这里时,总会投下一颗石子,这些寄托着希望、愿景的石子筑成西藏独特的人文风景——玛尼堆。或许是这片湖太过于神秘而静谧,在我抵达时,内心也隐隐
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