Hollywood Screenwriting in Sports

来源 :现代企业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunyanjun03
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Screenplay,as the basis of a film,is the basis of the success of a film as well.The excellent Hollywood Screenwriting in sports mainly comes from real life and traditional sports literary.By the main clue of a leading role as the basic framework of screenwriting,with the exchange between prosperity and adversity,interspersed with love,family,and social life,it shows struggling and tough attitude of life;promotes the value of physical existence and meaning of culture extension and reproduces the sports life.Apart from established playwriting framework,there is an individualized aesthetic presentation,which also is known as personalization and Stylization of screenwriting,leaving room for extension and imagination. Screenplay, as the basis of a film, is the basis of the success of a film as well. Excellent Hollywood Screenwriting in sports mainly comes from real life and traditional sports literary. Key the main clue of a leading role as the basic framework of screenwriting, with the exchange between prosperity and adversity, interspersed with love, family, and social life, it shows struggling and tough attitude of life; promotes the value of physical existence and meaning of culture extension and reproduces the sports life .Apart from established playwriting framework, there is an individualized aesthetic presentation, which also is known as personalization and Stylization of screenwriting, leaving room for extension and imagination.
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