深刻领会曹付部长讲话精神 积极认真加强标准化工作

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曹维廉副部长在上海出口产品质量会议上的讲话中指出,采用国际通用技术标准,是刻不容缓的事。他的这段讲话,亦即强调指出这项工作必须积极行动起来。为此,本刊为促进这项工作,开展专题讨论。讨论内容可以多方面的。例如:请你谈谈在推动这项工作中实际存在的各种问题和阻碍;也可请你介绍你单位在贯彻国际标准工作中正反的两方面经验和体会;也可请你提供机电产品在外贸工作中有关技术标准暴露出的种种问题;也可请你谈谈研究院、所、学校如何和企业相结合来推动这项工作;也可请你提出如何促进这项工作做法的意见和建议,以及其他等等。总之,以环绕这个题材为中心,各方面内容均所欢迎。 Vice Minister Cao Weilian pointed out in his speech at the Shanghai Export Product Quality Conference that the adoption of internationally accepted technical standards is a matter of no delay. This paragraph of his speech also stressed that this work must be actively carried out. To this end, the journal conducts special discussions to promote this work. The content of the discussion can be varied. For example, please talk about the various problems and obstacles that actually exist in promoting this work. You may also ask you to introduce the positive and negative experiences and experiences of your organization in implementing international standards. You may also ask for your mechanical and electrical products. In the work of foreign trade, there are various issues concerning the exposure of technical standards; you can also ask you to talk about how research institutes, schools, and schools can be combined with companies to promote this work; you can also ask for suggestions on how to promote this work practice. Suggestions, and so on and so forth. In short, all aspects are welcomed with this theme as the center.
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