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学习型组织理论是当今世界最前沿的两大管理理论之,这一理论在中国的实践虽然时间不长,但已进机。创建学习型组织成为当今社会、企业界的热门话题能持续发展的组织之中。提升学习能力是根本目的大量国内外“学习型企业”实践的业绩正在证明,21世纪最成功的企业将会是“学习型企业”。过去,我们讲企业的竞争、市场的竞争、是产品的竞争、是质量的竞争、是技术的竞争、是服务的竞争。随着竞争的深入,我们又认识到企业的竞争、市场的竞争是人才的竞争,因为产品、质量、技术、服务都是由人决定的。迈入新世纪,面临知识经济的挑战,科技日新月异,知识商品化速度加快,我们对企业竞争、市场的竞 Learning organization theory is the two most advanced management theories in the world today. Although the practice of this theory in China is not long, it has already got into the machine. Creating a learning organization has become a hot topic in today's society and business community that can continue to grow. To enhance learning ability is the fundamental purpose A large number of domestic and foreign “learning enterprise ” practice performance is proving that the most successful enterprises in the 21st century will be “learning-oriented enterprises ”. In the past, we talked about the competition of enterprises and the competition of markets. They are the competition of products, the competition of quality, the competition of technology and the competition of service. With the deepening of competition, we also recognize the competition of enterprises. The competition in the market is the competition of talents because the products, quality, technology and service are decided by people. In the new century, facing the challenge of knowledge-based economy, science and technology are changing with each passing day, and the speed of commercialization of knowledge is accelerating. Our competition in enterprise and market
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北京顺义县是全国经济百强县也是幼教先进县,在改革大潮中他们重视幼儿教育,把幼儿教育作为大教育之中的子系统,使全县幼儿教育年年取得可喜的成绩,现特发此文,以飨读者。 S