读了贵刊1992年7卷3期129页刊登沈氏报道的《硫酸镁治疗小儿秋冬季腹泻70例》一文后,笔者用此法治疗小儿秋冬季腹泻77例,疗效颇佳,总结报告如下。 1 临床资料 全部病例为1992年8月~1994年2月住院腹泻患儿,年龄4个月~5岁,入院时病程平均2~5天,临床表现有呕吐、腹痛、大便呈水样或蛋花样,大便化验:脂肪球或白细胞少许,并伴轻、中、重度脱水者均为治疗对象。本组77例,男48例,女29例,平均年龄23岁。 2 治疗方法 全部病例采用综合治疗措施(补液、纠酸、止吐、对症等),加用10%硫酸镁1~1.5ml/kg+葡萄糖液30~50ml中静滴,次/d。并随机与同样病例在综合治疗(补液,纠酸,止吐等治疗)基础上加用抗生素(氨苄肯霉素、庆大或丁胺卡那)作对照,治疗组效果明显优于对照组,平均病程缩短2.8天。
Published in 1992 7 Volume 3 page 129 published Shen reported “magnesium sulfate in children with autumn and winter diarrhea in 70 cases,” a text, the author used this method to treat children with autumn and winter diarrhea in 77 cases, the effect is quite good, the summary report is as follows . 1 Clinical data All cases from February 1992 to February 1994 hospitalized children with diarrhea, aged 4 months to 5 years old, the average duration of admission 2 to 5 days, the clinical manifestations of vomiting, abdominal pain, stool water samples or eggs Pattern, stool test: a little fat ball or white blood cells, and with light, moderate and severe dehydration are treated. The group of 77 patients, 48 males and 29 females, mean age 23 years old. 2 treatment of all cases using a combination of treatment measures (fluid, acid correction, antiemetic, symptomatic, etc.), plus 10% magnesium sulfate 1 ~ 1.5ml / kg + glucose solution 30 ~ 50ml intravenous infusion, times / d. And random and the same cases in the comprehensive treatment (rehydration, acid correction, antiemetic and other treatment) based on the use of antibiotics (ampicillin, Qingda or amikacin) as a control, the treatment group was significantly better than the control group, The average duration of shortening 2.8 days.