
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wffgwffg
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天津电子计算机中等职业技术专业学校自1980年创办以来,坚持社会主义办学方向,全方位、多渠道加强学生德育工作,取得明显效果。该校办学十年来,始终把育人放在首位,他们通过三个网络、五种途径对学生广泛进行坚持社会主义道路的教育。三个网络是:以班主任为网头,校领导、教工团员、任课教师为联网的班级教育网络;以政教主任为网头,学生干部为联网的学生教育网络;以校领导为网头,学生家长、联办与用人单位、公安政法部门代表为联网的社会综合教育网络。五个途径是:政治时事课、学哲学学时事小组、青年党校、课余活动与社会实践。通过广泛深入而又丰富多彩的教育,学生对社会主义信 Since its founding in 1980, the Tianjin Vocational and Technical College of Computer and Computer Technology has adhered to the direction of socialist education, and has strengthened the moral education of students in all directions and in many ways, achieving remarkable results. In the past ten years since the school was run, it has always put educating people first. They have educated students on the socialist road through three networks and five channels. The three networks are: headteachers as heads, school leaders, faculty members, and classroom teachers as the networked class education network; heads of political education and education as network heads; student leaders as networked student education networks; school leaders as net heads and students Parents, organizations and employers, and representatives of public security and legal affairs departments are connected social comprehensive education networks. The five ways are: political affairs affairs class, philosophical school affairs current affairs group, youth party school, extracurricular activities and social practice. Through extensive and in-depth education, students’ socialist beliefs
一、实践使我们摸索出一条改革新路 1978年,我校毕业统考成绩为全区倒数第二,留级率约15%。面对这样的教学质量,我们该怎么办?为了不挨板子,不坐“红椅子”,我们开始用“拼”
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