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2012年9月23日。北京职工之家。我和郭栖栗(一汽第一任厂长郭力之女)大姐在大堂里等她。她从杭州到北京开会,挤出时间跟我们一起吃晚饭,航班比预计时间晚到约40分钟。在等待期间,她两次发来消息表示歉意。这次见面,源于2012中国老汽车人联谊会上的约定。在那次联谊会上,几十位年逾八十的汽车老同志相聚,畅谈中国汽车走出去战略,气氛异常热烈。午餐期间,她和以何光远(原国家机械工业部部长)、李刚(原中国汽车工业公司总经理)等为代表的老一辈汽车人重温激情燃烧的汽车人生和岁月。在她的带动下,老同志们开怀高歌《革命人永远是年轻》,其乐融融,场景令人难忘。《汽车商业评论》自创刊以来一直追寻的口述历史讲述者中,她是较特别的一位:出生于大连,1950年代初为支援一汽建设,四五岁的她随父亲举家迁往长春。在北国这个城市,她就像《城南旧事》里的小樱子,用一双童稚的双眼细察当年这群来自全国各地的创业者的工作和生活。1966年父亲从一汽投身二汽。两年后,在吉林师大附中上学的她,因上山下乡而中断大学梦,从长春到十堰,在二汽当工人,从此开始汽车生涯。1971年因表现出色,她被推荐到华中工学院工业企业电气化和自动化专业学习。三年半后毕业,回到二汽,先后在工艺研究所和技术中心,也就是后来的东风汽车工程院工作。20多年里,她从青年到中年,从技术员到研究院级高级工程师,从机动科科长到试制工厂副厂长、管理部长、副院长。1996年她调任神龙汽车公关部副部长、部长,两年后出任神龙汽车销售公司总经理。其间,她组织实施神龙第一漂、第一撞、第一贴等多个营销最佳案例。2002年,被尹同跃一句“中国汽车工业合资这么多年,跟人家谈判都还是跪着的,现在我们就是要站起来,扛起民族品牌大旗”打动,她从神龙提前退休,加盟奇瑞汽车。回想在奇瑞一年多的职业经历,她说:在奇瑞做的是销售公司最基础工作,包括市场研究、市场开拓、人才培养、营销网络系统培训等,为这个新兴自主品牌企业奉献出敬业、职业、专业精神。2003年8月,她受邀转战吉利汽车,迄今已10年。时间在交谈中静静流逝,不知不觉已3个多小时。当知道要写她的口述历史,一向低调的她颇有些为难并一再推辞,试图说服我们不要公开发表。只要不出差,她仍习惯于每天早上6点多进办公室,晚上8点后才离开。她说,前些年几乎每天都要工作到半夜,还经常通宵达旦。她做什么都追求完美,总是亲历亲为,全身心投入,亦因此被称为“拼命三郎”。 September 23, 2012. Beijing staff home. Guo Qicha and I (FAW’s first director Guo Li’s daughter) sister waiting for her in the lobby. She had a meeting in Hangzhou from Beijing, squeezed out time to have dinner with us, and the flight was about 40 minutes later than expected. She apologized twice for her message while waiting. The meeting, from the 2012 China Association of the old car on the agreement. In that association, dozens of old car comrades of more than 80 years were gathered together to talk about the strategy of going out for Chinese cars. The atmosphere was exceptionally warm. During lunch, she relocated the life and years of passionate cars with the older generation of motorists represented by He Guangyuan (former Minister of State Ministry of Machinery Industry) and Li Gang (formerly General Manager of China Automotive Industry Corporation). Under her leadership, old comrades happily sang “revolutionary people will always be young,” enjoyable and enjoyable scenes. Among the oral history narrators that Car Business Review has been pursuing since founding, she is a special person: born in Dalian and supported the construction of FAW in the early 1950s, and relocated to Changchun with her father when she was four or five years old. In the northern city, she is like the little cherry tree in “Old South City,” observing the work and life of the group of entrepreneurs from all over the country with a pair of childish eyes. 1966 father from FAW into the second gas. Two years later, when she went to school in Jilin Normal University High School, she interrupted her dream of university because of going to the countryside. From Changchun to Shiyan, she worked as a worker in Erqi and started her car career. In 1971 due to outstanding performance, she was recommended to Huazhong Institute of Technology industrial enterprises electrification and automation professional learning. Graduated in three and a half years later, returned to the second steam, has worked in the Institute of Technology and Technology Center, which is later Dongfeng Automobile Engineering Institute. For more than 20 years, she has been working from young to middle age, from technician to senior engineer at the Research Institute, from the chief of motorized department to the deputy factory manager, the manager and the vice president of the pilot plant. In 1996, she was transferred to Shenlong Motors PR Deputy Minister, Minister, two years later as the Shenlong Motors Sales Company General Manager. In the meantime, she organized the implementation of the first drift Shenlong, the first collision, the first paste and other marketing best case. In 2002, Yin Tongyue was sentenced to “China Automotive Industry Joint Venture so many years, negotiations with others are still kneeling, and now we are to stand up and carry the banner of national brand ” She moved early retirement from the dragon to join Chery Automobile . Recalling more than a year in Chery professional experience, she said: Chery is the sales company to do the most basic work, including market research, market development, personnel training, marketing network system training, dedication to this emerging independent brands, Professional, professionalism. In August 2003, she was invited to move to Geely Automobile, so far 10 years. Time passed quietly in the conversation, unconsciously more than 3 hours. When she knew she was going to write her oral history, she had always been low-key, rather embarrassed and repeatedly refuted in an attempt to persuade us not to make it public. As long as no business trip, she is still accustomed to entering the office every day at 6 o’clock, after 8 pm left. She said working in the middle of the night almost every day in the previous years was often done overnight. She pursues perfection in everything she does, she is always pro-affectionate and wholeheartedly devoted, so she is called “Desperate Saburo”.
一直喜欢王菲,不是因为她是天后,也不是因为好奇她丰富而跌宕起伏的情感经历,而是喜欢她无论在哪一种状态中,生命内部都会透出一种超尘无染的气质,无论是落寞的,悲伤的,痛苦的,还是喜悦欢乐的,乃至颓废的,都是那么深,那么真,却不激烈,节制与宁静,存于她生命的内核中,朝外散发着一种淡如星月而隽永的光。  最初,我没有喜欢她的歌,而是喜欢她的电影。不多,印象来自王家卫的两部影片《重庆森林》和《2046》,她
对正常人来说,死亡是令人恐惧的,一想起来就心寒,毫无快乐可言。而对耶鲁大学哲学教授谢利·卡根(下文称卡根)来说,死亡却是让他痴迷不已的学问。他在耶鲁大学开的网络公开课就是《哲学:死亡》。凭借这门课,卡根成了全球最红的教授之一,其视频在中国的点击率尤其高,耶鲁大学官方网站都报道了它在中国的风靡。听说自己多了这么多中国“学生”后,卡根的第一反应就是惊喜!  在之前授课教材的基础上,卡根写了一本书:《耶