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同民事诉讼一样,证据同样是仲裁案件中的关键因素,能否取得案件的重要证据,对于能否胜诉起着至关重要的作用。然而,在举证的过程中,当事人因能力所限并不一定能够取得其所需要的证据。此时,仲裁庭是否能够依当事人的申请调查取证就成了当事人能否胜诉的关键。我国最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的规定》第15条、第16条中明确了法院在何种情况下可以接受当事人的申请调查收集证据,但这是诉讼中对于法院调查取证权的规定。而在仲裁实践中,由于缺乏相关的法律条文可供参考,仲裁公权力属性缺失等原因,仲裁庭调查取证的实例非常少。究竟仲裁庭是否应该被赋予调查取证权?如果被赋予此项权利,实践中又该怎样操作?本文将带着这些问题,对仲裁庭的调查取证权作一探析。 Like civil litigation, evidence is also a key factor in arbitration cases. Whether or not evidence can be obtained from the case is crucial to its success. However, in the process of proof, the parties may not be able to obtain the necessary evidence due to their ability. At this moment, whether the arbitral tribunal can investigate and collect the evidence according to the application of the parties becomes the key to whether the parties can win the lawsuit. Article 15 of the Provisions on Evidence in Civil Proceedings of the Supreme People’s Court of China clearly stipulates under which circumstances the court may accept the parties’ applications for investigation and collect evidence, but this is the lawsuit for the court investigating and obtaining evidence. In the arbitration practice, due to the lack of relevant legal provisions for reference, the absence of arbitration public power properties and other reasons, the arbitration tribunal investigation and evidence collection is very rare. After all, should the arbitral tribunal be given the right of investigation and evidence collection? If so, what should be done in practice? This article will take these questions to probe into the arbitration tribunal’s right of investigation and evidence collection.
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《对抗制刑事审判的起源》是享誉西方法学界的著名法律史学家约翰·朗本(John H.Langbein)的一本力作。朗本的学术声誉源自他对西方刑事司法理性形态多样性形成过程的历史性
我很担心,随着这个城市现代化的建设,她的文化底蕴是否也在慢慢的消退? I am very worried about, with the construction of the city’s modernization, her cultural her
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