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如何建设在市场经济中能够经受考验、在实现国有企业改革发展目标中能打硬仗的企业领导班子,是一个事关全局的战略性任务。笔者总结多年人事管理的经验,拟提出加强国有企业领导班子建设的“四个同步”设想:一、解放思想,两类观念要同步深化1、党的观念要进一步加强。由于长期以来“左”的思想束缚,在解放思想拔乱反正过程中极易形成一种反向思维,把改革开放和市场观念作为新观念,把四项基本原则和党的观念作为旧观念,以为要树立的是市场观念,要更新的是党的观念。在这种认识影响下,一些领导干部热衷于讲市场观念、很少讲党的观念;重视市场观念,轻视党的观念,以致工作中程度不同地存在着导向问题,产生了比较严重的后果。如相当一批行政干部党的观念十分淡薄,有的身 How to build a corporate leadership team that can withstand tests in a market economy and can fight hard in the realization of the objectives of the reform and development of state-owned enterprises is a strategic task concerning the overall situation. The author summarizes many years of personnel management experience and proposes to put forward the “four simultaneous” ideas for strengthening the building of leading groups in state-owned enterprises: First, to emancipate the mind and to deepen the concept of the two types of concepts. 1 The party's concept needs to be further strengthened. Because of the ideological bondage left over for a long time, it is very easy to form a reverse thinking in the course of emancipating the mind and pulling the reform and opening up and the market concept as a new concept. Taking the four basic principles and the party's concept as the old Concept, that is, to establish the concept of the market, to be updated is the concept of the party. Under the influence of this understanding, some leading cadres are eager to talk about the concept of the market and seldom talk about the concept of the party. They attach importance to the concept of the market and neglect the concept of the party so that there are guiding problems with different degrees of work and serious consequences. As a considerable number of administrative cadres party concept is very weak, some body
作为对管理体制改革的一种研究意见,本文仅代表作者个人观点,并不表示本刊观点。此文仅供有关部门领导决策时参考。 As a research opinion on management system reform, t