
来源 :四川兵工学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aizhuan
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分析阐述了在改革开放大潮中,铸造行业发展不如某些行业,原因在于铸造生产落后,管理水平差、铸件质量低劣,进而论述了振兴铸造业的途径,包括:确立以质量为核心的发展战略,实施ISO9000系列标准;向市场经济发展,战略营销创效益;调整结构,优胜劣汰;提高人员素质,奠定振兴之本;注重规模效应,向规模经济发展;重视技术进步,向科学技术要效益;向特色产品发展,实施名牌战略;做好质量跟踪,勤于用户走访等八个方面工作要做好,从而重塑铸造行业形象,发展铸造事业。还强调了在铸造单位实施ISO9000系列标准的必要性,最后提出铸造单位要以现代企业制度为方向尽快建成独立的商品生产经营者,铸造人员在质量上转变四个观念等实旅系列标准应注意的事项和意见。 The analysis shows that in the tide of reform and opening up, the development of the foundry industry is not as good as that of some industries. The reasons lie in the following problems: the backward production of the foundry, the poor management level and the poor quality of the castings. Then the ways of rejuvenating the foundry industry are discussed, including establishing a quality- , The implementation of ISO9000 series of standards; to the market economy, strategic marketing a benefit; adjust the structure, the survival of the fittest; improve the quality of personnel, lay the foundation for the revitalization of the economy; focus on the scale effect, to economies of scale; emphasis on technological progress, science and technology to benefit; Special product development, the implementation of brand strategy; good quality tracking, diligent in user visits and other eight aspects of work to be done to reshape the casting industry image, the development of foundry. Also stressed the necessity of implementing ISO9000 series standards in foundry units. Finally, it was suggested that foundry units should establish independent commodity producers and operators as soon as possible in the direction of modern enterprise system, cast steel personnel should change their four concepts in quality and so on. Matters and comments.
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