,Investigations of the electron paramagnetic resonance parameters and the tetragonal local structure

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yun3531
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By simulating the electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR)and optical spectra on the basis of the 120×120 complete energy matrix,this paper determines the local lattice structure parameters R1 and R2 for MCl:V2+(M=Na,K,Rb)systems at 77 K,195 K and RT(room temperature 295 K or 302 K),respectively.The theoretical results indicate that there exists a compressed distortion in MCl:V2+ systems.Meanwhile,it finds that the structure parameters R1,R2 and|△R|(=R1-R2)increase with the rising temperature.Subsequently,from the analysis it concludes that the relation of EPR parameter D vs.△R is approximately linear.Finally,the effects of orbital reduction factor k on the g factors for the three systems have been discussed.
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本文主要分析了HEIDENHAIN TNC 310数控铣床系统中圆弧铣削指令及螺纹铣削指令,对螺纹铣削功能进行延伸,扩展到圆弧三轴联动,并对螺纹铣削指令格式进行了修改,从而具有圆弧三