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数字信号处理器(DSP)与PC机构成主—从式高速数字信号处理系统是一种常见的DSP应用系统,它可以有效地利用PC机丰富的软硬件资源。由于数字信号处理的数据量很大,因此主—从式系统中DSP与PC机之间的通讯速度直接影响系统的执行效率。本文以TMS320C25为例,在对比了几种常用的DSP与PC机并行通讯方法的基础上,提出一种用DMA进行DSP与PC机并行通讯的系统模式,文中对系统的软硬件设计给予较详细地论述。利用DMA传输数据可以显著地提高主—从式DSP应用系统实时软件的性能。 Digital signal processor (DSP) and PC-based master-slave high-speed digital signal processing system is a common DSP application system, it can effectively use PC-rich hardware and software resources. Due to the large amount of digital signal processing data, the speed of communication between the DSP and the PC in the master-slave system directly affects the execution efficiency of the system. In this paper, TMS320C25 as an example, on the basis of comparing several commonly used DSP and PC parallel communication methods, a system mode for parallel communication between DSP and PC by DMA is proposed. In this paper, the software and hardware design of the system is given in more detail Discussion. Using DMA to transfer data can significantly improve the performance of real-time software for master-slave DSP applications.