姜磻溪,字则徐,又名徐乃姜,生于1877年,卒于1950年,黔西县人。他是清末黔西州的最后一个秀才,也是一个民间的乡土诗人。 姜磻溪自幼读书刻苦,青年时考中秀才。他早年倾心于民主革命,思想进步,支持孙中山先生领导的推翻满清王朝的斗争。在黔西州,他带头剪去辫子,以示反抗清廷的决心。进入民国后,他因为做人正派而不喜官场逢迎,仕途上颇不得意。他的后半生似乎是选取了息影林泉,寄身园艺的隐逸生涯,正如他的名字“磻溪”二字所象征的意义,他似乎是要在“流水声中过一生”了。然而他却又因为生性的耿直,看不惯当时社会的黑暗,他对封建军阀和国民党的腐败统治更是痛心疾首,“物不得其平则鸣”,他做不了一个真正的隐者,他把他对丑恶现实的愤怒、对腐败社会的痛恨写进了他的别具一格的打油诗词,为此不惜担当生命的风险,他也因此而成为一个揭露、控诉、嘲讽黑暗的民间诗人。
Jiang Sui River, the word Xu Xu, also known as Xu Nai Jiang, was born in 1877, died in 1950, Qianxi County. He was the last scholar of Qianxi Prefecture in the late Qing Dynasty and also a folk native poet. Jiang Sui Xi study hard since childhood, young scholar in the test. In his early years, he devoted himself to the democratic revolution and made progress in his thinking. He supported the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. In Qianxi Prefecture, he took the lead and cut his braids to show his determination to resist the Qing court. Into the Republic of China, because of his decent and do not like the officialdom, official career rather disdain. His later life seems to be the selection of the shadow of Lin Quan, hiding a horticultural hermit career, as his name “Sui River” symbolizes the meaning of the word, he seems to be in “running for a lifetime.” However, because of his straightforwardness, he could not understand the darkness of the society at that time. He was even more displeased with the corrupt rule of the feudal warlords and the Kuomintang. He could not make any difference but could not make a true hermit. His indignation at the ugly reality and his hatred of the corrupt society included his unique poignant oil-cracking poem. As a result, he took the risk of life and thus became a folk poet exposing, prosecuting and ridiculing darkness.