
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a9228144
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The goal of this study was to examine whether sociodemo-graphic,clinical,and other servic e -related factors,as well as preventability issues affec t a woman’s progression along the continuum of morbidity and mortality.This was acase -control study of pregnancy -re lated deaths,women with near -miss morbidity,and those with other severe,but not life threatening,morbidity.Factors associated with maternal outcome were examined.Pro vider factors(related to preventability)and clinical diagnosis were signifi cantly associated with progression along t he continuum after con-trolling for sociodemographic characteristics(P <.01for both associations).In order to improve mortality rates,we must understand maternal morbidity and how it may lead to death.This study shows that importa nt initiatives include addressing preventability,in particular,provider factors,which may play a role in moving women a long the contin-uum of morbidity and mortality. The goal of this study was to examine whether sociodemo-graphic, clinical, and other servic e-related factors, as well as preventability issues affec ta woman’s progression along the continuum of morbidity and mortality. This was acase-control study of pregnancy-re lated deaths, women with near -miss morbidity, and those with other severe, but not life threatening, morbidity. Factors associated with maternal outcome were examined. Pro vider factors (related to preventability) and clinical diagnosis were signifi cantly associated with progression along t he continuum after con-trolling for sociodemographic characteristics (P <.01 for both associations). In order to improve mortality rates, we must understand maternal morbidity and how it may lead to death. This study shows that import an nt initiatives include addressing preventability, in particular, provider factors, which may play a role in moving women a long the contin-uum of morbidity and mortality.
棉铃虫(Heliothis armigera Hubner)主要为害大田栽培作物和蔬菜。1991年6月下旬,笔者在华县一个树龄7年的百亩桃园里,发现有不少棉铃虫成虫飞翔或栖息于叶背。1992年6月中
目前,各地经销农药的单位较多,不少农民无法鉴别真假,现介绍几种真假农药的鉴别方法.1 外观鉴别厂家出厂的合格农药,如甲胺磷乳油为浅黄色透明液体,无明显沉淀物,甲甲磷、甲
近年来我县玉米粗缩病(Maize roughdwarf virus)严重。1992年夏玉米发病7万亩,其中以套种玉米发生最重。一般病株率2.5%,严重地块病株占30.7%;直播夏玉米发病株率为0.5%,最高5%