奥飞曝光2016动漫ip 类型多样进军二次元市场

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去年8月,奥飞娱乐大举收购有妖气。掌握了大量优质的动漫IP资源,不仅为其以IP为核心的全产业链生态战略布局下了完美的一步棋,也充分展示了其蓄力待发,腾飞之姿。近日,奥飞娱乐携手有妖气再度发力,公布《镇魂街》、《桃花缘》、《端脑》等多个高人气漫画IP改编计划,内容包括动作冒险、魔幻恋爱、烧脑推理以及爆笑奇谈等多种类型,迎合男女性观众不同喜好之余,聚焦二次元、三次元多个群体。热血少年开启冒险之旅《镇魂街》全产业链蓄势待发。《镇魂街》由原创漫画家许辰创作,于2010年在有妖气进行连载。讲述在人灵共存的镇魂街,肩负守 Last August, Austrian fly mass acquisition of Yaoqi entertainment. Mastered a large number of high-quality animation IP resources, not only for its IP-based full industrial chain ecological strategy under the layout of a perfect move, but also fully demonstrated its storage, take-off posture. Recently, Auspicious Entertainment joined forces with Yaoqi to exert great efforts once again to release a number of highly-popular comic IP adaptation programs such as “Zhenhun Street”, “Peach Blossoms” and “Diannao”, which include action adventure, magical love, As well as comedy odd talk and many other types, to cater to different tastes of male and female audience apart, focusing on the second element, three yuan more than one group. Hot teenager open adventure journey “town soul Street” full industrial chain ready. “Town soul Street” by the original cartoonist Xu Chen creation, in 2010 there are Yaoqi carried serial. Talking about the town of spirit in the coexistence of Spirit Street, shoulder the Shou
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