Research on the Shrinking of 2-components Adhesive with Automatically Calculating Hologram

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:william__2008
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In this paper, used BSO(Bi_(12)SiO(20)) crystal as a hologram recording material,TV-camera as a detector, and a holographic setup controlled by a computer, automatically calculating hologram of 3-interferograms method is theoretically and experimentally studied. This new holographic recording material and automatically calculating hologram make it possible to use real-time holography in an industry. As a practical example, the shrinking of 2-components adhesive in 4 h is measured. In this paper, used BSO (Bi_ (12) SiO (20)) crystal as a hologram recording material, TV-camera as a detector, and a holographic setup controlled by a computer, automatically calculating hologram of 3-interferograms method is theoretically and This new holographic recording material and automatically calculated hologram make it possible to use real-time holography in an industry. As a practical example, the shrinking of 2-components adhesive in 4 h is measured.
北京华联机电技术装备公司和香港宝富(BOTHGREAT)科技有限公司于1994年9月初在北京正式签订合同,共同出资成立美国雨鸟(Rain Bird)公司产品专营部。华联公司隶属于机械工业
据U.S.专利5 285 805报道,用一中空通道连接进出口之间的一种精确控制液体流量装置(图略)的方法,包括以下工序: (A)用一种弹性体基质填充通道,以便阻止进出口之间的液体流动
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