星期一,天气晴朗,风和日丽,一朵朵白云犹如扬帆起航的轻舟,在天空中飘来飘去,悠闲极了。小白兔一边哼着歌,一边背着书包兴高采烈地走在上学的路上,她走着走着,忽然看见太阳被白云挡住了。不一会儿,天上乌云密布,雷电交加,紧接着下起了倾盆大雨。小白兔把书包顶在头上, 冒着大雨飞快地往学校里跑。正在这时候,小乌龟慢慢吞吞地爬了过来,看见小白兔被雨淋成落汤鸡,连忙说:“小白兔,你没带雨伞
On Monday, the weather was sunny, the wind was sunny and the blissful white clouds were like sailing boats set sail, floating in the sky, very relaxed. The little white rabbit hummed and happily walked in school while carrying his bags, and she walked and suddenly saw the sun blocked by white clouds. A moment later, clouds over the sky, thunder and lightning, followed by a downpour. The little white rabbit put the bag on top of his head and raced fast into the school with heavy rain. At this moment, the little turtle slowly crawled over and saw the white rabbit fell into a drowned soup, quickly said: "rabbit, you do not bring an umbrella