
来源 :中国社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alpine
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2004年是各险种稽核全面开展的一年。4月13日至14日,从南京召开的全国社会保险稽核工作会议上传出消息,今年稽核工作的主要思路是:紧紧依据《社会保险稽核办法》,全面开展稽核工作;巩固扩大养老保险费征缴稽核成果;坚持跟踪调度,综合治理,力争实现当期清欠大于新欠;坚持核查与预防并重,加大对冒领养老金的防治力度;继续推进稽核机构队伍建设,在提高稽核人员素质上下功夫;着力推进医疗保险稽核,在统一内容、规范程序上求突破;有重点、有步骤地推进企业缴费诚信制度建设,促进参保单位按时,足额缴纳社会保险费。会议情况显示,这一工作思路的贯彻和展开有望顺利进行。因为此次会议是部社保中心稽核处成立5年首次召开的全国性会议,而各经办机构在这5年当中,已经推出了种种推陈出新的做法。 2004 is a comprehensive year of all types of audit. From April 13 to April 14, a message was sent from the National Conference on Social Security Audit held in Nanjing. The main idea of ​​this year’s audit work is to closely follow the “Social Security Audit Measures” and carry out comprehensive audit work; and to consolidate and expand the pension insurance To insist on tracking and dispatching and comprehensive management and strive to realize that the current debt payment is greater than the new debt owed to both parties; insist on equal emphasis on verification and prevention, and increase the prevention and control of those who take the pension; continue to promote the construction of the auditing team and improve the quality of auditors Work hard to promote medical insurance audit in uniform content, standardize the process of seeking breakthroughs; there are important and step-by-step to promote the construction of corporate credit integrity system to promote the insured unit on time and in full payment of social insurance premiums. The meeting shows that the implementation of this work train of thought and its commencement are expected to proceed smoothly. Since this meeting was the first national conference held by the audit department of the Social Security Center to set up the first five-year conference, all agencies have launched various innovative measures in these five years.
目的 探析针对患有糖尿病肾病疾病患者开展血透治疗时通过开展持续质量改进对低血糖发发生影响.方法 择取糖尿病肾病疾病患者60例,时间选取阶段为2018年06月~2020年06月,根据
目的 对比分析不同放射诊断方法鉴别肺癌与良性肿瘤的临床效果.方法 2019年4月至2020年4月,将本院收治的53例肺癌及良性肿瘤患者为研究对象,患者疾病均经病理学确诊,分别采用
目的 讨论抚触手法对婴儿生理行为及生长发育的影响.方法 现随机选取2019年1月——2020年2月期间在我院接受常规检查的130例婴儿作为研究对象,以随机数字法将其分为实验组和
目的 探究遇善恩亚麻酸微囊粉1对备孕夫妇备孕阶段的临床应用效果.方法 采用医学研究对比,选取我市生殖中心2016年6月-2017年6月以来收治的50例孕产期备孕夫妇,按照备孕方法
  目的:通过维替泊芬联和689nm激光光动力法诱导建立鼠前部缺血性视神经病变模型(rat model of the anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, rAION)并进行眼底和荧光眼底血管