Effect of Double Air Injection on Performance Characteristics of Centrifugal Compressor

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiguoqiang
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In the operation of a centrifugal compressor of turbocharger, instability phenomena such as rotating stall and surge are induced at a lower flow rate close to the maximum pressure ratio. In this study, the compressed air at the exit of centrifugal compressor was re-circulated and injected to the impeller inlet by using two injection nozzles in order to suppress the surge phenomenon. The most effective circumferential position was examined to reduce the flow rate at the surge inception. Moreover, the influences of the injection on the fluctuating property of the flow field before and after the surge inception were investigated by examining the frequency of static pressure fluctuation on the wall surface and visualizing the compressor wall surface by oil-film visualization technique. In the operation of a centrifugal compressor of turbocharger, instability phenomena such as rotating stall and surge are induced at a lower flow rate close to the maximum pressure ratio. In this study, the compressed air at the exit of centrifugal compressor was re-circulated and injected to the impeller inlet by using two injection nozzles in order to suppress the surge phenomenon. The most effective circumferential position was examined to reduce the flow rate at the surge inception. Moreover, the influences of the injection on the fluctuating property of the flow field before and after the surge inception were investigated by examining the frequency of static pressure fluctuation on the wall surface and visualizing the compressor wall surface by oil-film visualization technique.
清 晨 6点多钟 ,从电话里得知了先生离去的消息 ,一时有些发木 ,心想怎么会 ?6号去看望他时 ,还听他说了不少话。虽然明显地感到先生的衰弱 ,但因为听钟宜老师说那天的状态比
哦,父亲! 你越老越像个孩子了,  儿子媳妇离家你哭,女儿要走你哭,  母亲呵斥你老糊涂时你也哭。  哦,父亲! 我越大越没有良心了,  把流浪的他乡当成了故乡,  在异乡的街道享用家的滋养,  把最亲最近的人也渐渐地遗忘。  哦,父亲! 昏暗的房间里——  你翻出几本烫金字的荣誉证书,  对我说:“一定要好生保存!”  哦,父亲! 今日立春,  你适时调来的雨让希望生根、发芽。  我终将带着你的
我憋不住,把自己失恋被踹的事情说了出来。他听完哈哈大笑,把手中的菜刀一下子砍在桌上,说,球!我以为多大事儿呢!好姑娘多得很哩!宰相肚里能撑船,你现在心这么小,能干成什么大事!你这样的小伙子,还愁找不到好姑娘?  第一次来北京,是刚过完22岁生日没几天。我跟两个河南老乡从长春出发,怀着无限的憧憬来到北京。五天的时间,我们游玩了故宫、王府井、颐和园、圆明园、鸟巢、水立方,以及北京的胡同。白天被烈日曬脱
当听到中国民俗学的泰斗、我敬爱的导师钟敬文先生永远离开我们的噩耗时 ,我万分悲痛 ,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。接着收到了讣告 ,我多么希望眼前这份通过e -mail寄来的讣告是邀请
太阳已经下班回家了,饥肠辘辘的我,被王老板叫去加班。我和几个工友二话没说,扭头去了老板所指的方向。  我的年龄,早已被小伙子的队伍开除了,但在心里头,却依然把着青春的边缘不肯撒手。这主要表现在,和年轻人干一样的累活儿,我从来不示弱。大卡车上装满了钢板,需要尽快卸下来。我攀上大卡车,不一会儿,便汗湿衣衫。用衣袖抹一把脑门上的汗珠子,直起腰,挪動身子,一脚踩空,只听“咚”一声,屁股重重地撞在水泥地上,