
来源 :激光与红外 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assasad
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八十年代军事光电子学的特点是探测器得到巨大改进和计算能力大大提高;采用热视设备,可进行连续的观察和瞄准,使黑暗的环境不再成为战斗的障碍;同时,现有的智能武器可攻击并摧毁任何可看到的目标。其影响之深远,要到九十年代才能完全认清。这一时期被称为光电于学发展的第二个黄金时代(第一个是六十年代)。今后几年,几项长期的发展项目将付诸实施,随之出现的实战武器将投入使用。届时,精确制导武器将大量部署,使单兵可以使用足够的火力阻击主战坦克、飞机等的猛烈袭击。同时,压制性的反单兵武器将变得更加重要。 The characteristics of military optoelectronics in the 1980s are that the detector has been greatly improved and the computing power has been greatly enhanced. The thermal visual equipment can be used for continuous observation and aiming so that the dark environment is no longer an obstacle to combat. At the same time, the existing intelligence Weapons can attack and destroy any visible target. Its impact is far-reaching and it can not be fully realized until the 1990s. This period was referred to as the second golden age of optics development (the first was the 1960s). In the coming years, several long-term development projects will be put into operation, and the actual combat weapons that emerge will be put into operation. By then, precision-guided weapons will be deployed in large numbers, so that individual soldiers can use enough firepower to block the violent attacks on main battle tanks and aircraft. At the same time, repressive anti-soldier weapons will become even more important.
Capsule endoscopy is an easy and painless procedure permitting visualization of the entire small-bowel during its normal peristalsis. However, important problem
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电磁脉冲(Electromagnetic Pulse)简称EMP,是高空大当量核爆炸产生的一种二次效应,和冲击波、热辐射、放射性沾染等人们熟悉的一次效应不同。它对人无害,但对电气和电子设备
本文简要介绍了战术激光武器的威力、“魟鱼”系统与板条激光器、“花冠王子”吊舱、苏联的激光武器以及西德的激光武器。 This article gives a brief introduction to the