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针对水稻生产上影响杂交水稻品种自身增产潜力的主要因素,研究分析了:不同栽插叶龄、不同栽培模式、不同分蘖穗、不同茎蘖苗的穗粒性状及其对产量的影响等,结果表明:8叶前分蘖穗占总穗数的比例越大产量越高,且分蘖穗的粒数、结实率、千粒重也较高,甚至超过主茎穗;强化栽培高于常规栽培的穗粒数、总颖花量和产量;最高苗数控制在所需穗数的1.1~1.2倍时产量最高;穗总粒数和实粒数与主茎顶部四叶平均长度呈显著正相关。并运用三围立体强化栽培方法,提出了杂交稻超高产优质强化栽培策略及综合配套技术措施:即①盘式育秧,低叶龄小苗多头移栽,争取穗足穗大;②增施有机肥料,确保稳健平衡生长;③严格控制中期群体,提高成穗率;④巧施穗肥粒肥,优化冠层叶片配置;⑤防治病虫草害,确保活棵成熟,提高千粒重和结实率。从而使杂交水稻有效穗达到300万/hm2左右,穗平实粒数达到180~210粒,穗平颖花量达到200~230粒,结实率稳定调解在80%~90%之间,有效解决了穗足穗大稳结实的库、源、流矛盾,实现了12000 kg/hm2以上的高产优质目标。 Aiming at the main factors that affect the yield potential of hybrid rice varieties in rice production, the effects of different planting leaf ages, different cultivation patterns, different tillering tips and spike tillers on the yield were studied and analyzed. Results The results showed that: the higher the ratio of tiller tillers to the total number of spikes in 8 leaves, the higher the yield, and the number of tillers spike, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight were higher than those in main stems; , The total amount of spike and yield; the highest seedling number of spikes in 1.1 to 1.2 times the control when the highest yield; total spikelets and grain number and the top of the main stem four leaves average length was significantly positive correlation. And the application of three-dimensional three-dimensional fortified cultivation method, put forward the super high yield and quality of hybrid rice cultivation strategy and integrated supporting technical measures: ① disc seedlings, seedlings of low leaf age long transplanting for ear spike large; ② by adding organic fertilizer, To ensure a steady and balanced growth; ③ strict control of the medium-term groups, to increase the rate of becoming spike; ④ Qiao Shi Sui fertilizer, optimize the configuration of the canopy leaves; ⑤ pest control disease prevention and control to ensure that live trees mature, increase grain weight and seed setting rate. Thus, the effective spike of hybrid rice reaches about 3 million / hm2, the number of spikelets reaches 180-210, the spikelet yield reaches 200-230, and the rate of seed setting is between 80% and 90%, effectively solving the problem of Spike foot large and stable reservoir, source, flow contradictions, to achieve a high yield of 12000 kg / hm2 above the goal.
介绍了纸机白水流程对生产过程和产品质量的影响。阐述了纸机白水短循环流程的优点。介绍了净水器的设计参数、生产要素及注意事项。 The influence of paper machine white
目的 探讨单层细胞角蛋白(cytokeratin,cK)18-mRNA表达与口腔鳞状细胞癌(oral squamous cell carcinoma,OSCC)的局部侵袭与血道转移的关系.方法 选用23例OSCC组织及相应癌旁