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在“第七届国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛”开幕之前,沃尔沃建筑设备投资(中国)有限公司就如何助力中国国际工程承包商进行“一带一路”战略实施进行了研讨。承包商会会长房秋晨先生及沃尔沃建筑设备中国区总裁岑家辉先生分别为会议致辞。目前国际基础设施投资与建设已成为实施“走出去”和“一带一路”战略的重要内容,对促进国民经济发展和扩大对外开放发挥着日益重要的作用。沃尔沃建筑设备将继续秉持“品质、安全和环保”的核心价值观,以卓越的 Before the opening of the 7th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum, Volvo Construction Equipment Investment (China) Co., Ltd. discussed how to help China’s international engineering contractors carry out the strategy of “One Belt and One Road”. Mr. Fang Qiuchen, President of Contractor Association and Mr. Cen Jiahui, President of Volvo Construction Equipment China, delivered speeches respectively for the meeting. At present, the international infrastructure investment and construction have become an important part of the implementation of the strategy of “going out” and “the Belt and Road”, playing an increasingly important role in promoting the development of the national economy and opening wider to the outside world. Volvo Construction Equipment will continue to uphold the core values ​​of “Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection”, with outstanding
我们来到革命老区易县,走进了一家挂着“易水古砚”招牌的精品屋。顿时,一块块造型奇特的精美砚台呈现在我们眼前,真是琳琅满目,令人目不暇接,仿佛步入 We came to Yixian C
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